🍁ᥴꫝꪖρꪻꫀ᥅: ꪻ᭙ꫀꪀꪻꪗ ꪀ꠸ꪀꫀ🍁

473 36 41

The tension between the two males increased after Soobin said or more like confessed to the elder indirectly despite saying 'I love you' 2 times already.

Yeonjun was having a hard time taking in and processing everything. Soobin who was standing against the kitchen counter caging the elder between his arms just stared at him with the softest eyes of all time.

But as he did so, He noticed something immediately frowning. Before Soobin could ask his mouth parting already, the electricity went away with a loud sound causing both of the males to flinch as the surroundings became dark.

Yeonjun specially flinched heard by the sudden black out and sub-consciously just clutched the other's shirt tightly. The younger male realizing this immediately patted the latter's back whispering calming and sweet words in his ears.

"Let me check the main switch. Maybe some connection got loose."

Soobin said and was about to go to the main switch board when he was stopped by the elder gripping on his hands firmly clearly not going with the idea of Soobin leaving him for even a second alone.

"Don't..." The elder whispered in the silent ambience while the younger one felt flustered for some reason. Perhaps because the older male refused to leave him alone.

♪ BGM: Teya Dora - Moje more ♪

Now the only source of dim light was from the outside lamp post and some moon light through the window.

"Hyung are you okay?" The taller male asked after a moment of pin drop silence when none of them spoke a single word.

"W-Why are you asking this?" Yeonjun said still refusing to look into the younger's eyes directly afraid that he will fall even more.

Soobin now sighed and held the cheeks of the older making it face him.

"Why is your mouth area so red?"

Yeonjun's eyes widened a bit because... His mouth area was red as he scrubbed the area way too hard in the shower out of disgust.

Now, how did Soobin catch this in the freaking dark?

"I-I w-what are you talking about?"

"Liar. You are lying hyung. Tell me what's wrong?" Soobin said with a blank face which could still be seen through the darkness.

Now, how the hell will Yeonjun say that he was touched inappropriately there as well and when Soobin asked him where he got bad touched, he didn't say it.


Yeonjun didn't reply or say anything.

♪ Not until the end of the world, my world is cursed..

My sea... ♪

Soobin who was brainstorming why the older wasn't speaking or even talking, suddenly felt like a bulb was switched on inside his mind.

But instead of his eyes lightening up, it darkened before asking-

"Did those assholes...... Soobin's words gradually faltered at the end because he noticed how the older reacted.

He looked away.

His jaw clenched realizing that it was indeed true of what he was thinking.

The older must have scrubbed that place hard because the other places like his hands, forearms, shoulder area etc were also red like his mouth.

Out of disgust.

✓ Tint Of My Autumn [Yeonbin]Where stories live. Discover now