🍁ᥴꫝꪖρꪻꫀ᥅: ꪻꫝ꠸᥅ꪻꪗ ꪻꫝ᥅ꫀꫀ🍁

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Exam Season arrived.

It's already the time for their mid term and it was the most nerve wracking exam for both Yeonjun and Soobin. Yeonjun was nervous thinking how would the other do.

And Soobin was scared thinking whether he will disappoint Yeonjun or not.

More than the rustication, he was more worried about the older who was actually expecting something from him.

And he can't fail him obviously. Isn't it?

*Bell Rings*

The second last exam is over. Just one more left for this hell to end finally. Yeonjun and Beomgyu who were in the same room currently now waited infront of Soobin's exam hall.

"What do you think how would he do Beom?" Yeonjun asked feeling nervous as Beomgyu remained chill he was.

"He will do just fine. Don't you trust him?"

"I-I do..." Yeonjun mumbled under his breath loud enough for Beomgyu to hear who just shook his head before saying-

"Let's just ask him. Shall we? Look he is coming out." Yeonjun immediately shot his head to the direction Beomgyu was directing and sprinted off to the latter leaving the other male dumbfounded in his place only to laugh a bit before joining the two as well.

"Bin!!" Soobin heard the older's voice and just gave a wave at the two of them.

"Hey hyung, Beom? You two? Here?"

"Apparently Yeonjun hyung was dying out from nervousness and he was worried sick-

Yeonjun immediately jabbed his hand on top of his stupid best friend's mouth as he gave an awkward smile to the taller one.

"Don't listen to him, he is rambling nonsense as usual-

"EXCUSE ME?" Beomgyu yelled out removing the hand of the older almost immediately startling him while Soobin laughed a little noticing the bickering of the two.

"It's fine hyung." Soobin ruffled his black hair flashing his dimples while Beomgyu now felt that it was a bad idea of joining the two as he was starting to feel like a legit third wheel.

Yeonjun gave a nervous smile with his awefully visible pink cheeks.

"So umm.. how did it go? Did you do good? Up to your satisfaction?" The older asked scratching his nape.

"Yeah, Quite okay because I think what I wrote was actually 100 percent correct. So hopefully-

Soobin got startled when Yeonjun literally jumped out of excitement hearing his reply and hugged him tightly. The first thing Soobin did was to glance at Beomgyu because he was that much flustered. Beomgyu only showed a cheeky teasing smile not forgetting to puff his cheeks.

Also signing the taller to hug the latter back. So he did.

"T-Thank you.. it's all because of you hyung."

"Pssst, I just guided you and rest was done by you. So yes!!!" Beomgyu could only laugh and smile because he was used to this talks of the older while watching the two love birds talk to each other with so much adoration in each other's eyes.

Consider it cliche or cute or whatever but Beomgyu could literally spot the eyes of Soobin dripping his affection and adoration towards his best friend.

✓ Tint Of My Autumn [Yeonbin]Where stories live. Discover now