🍁ᥴꫝꪖρꪻꫀ᥅: ꪻ᭙ꫀꪶꪜꫀ🍁

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"YOU SLAPPED THAT CHOI???" Beomgyu said almost screaming through his phone while Yeonjun had to as usual distance his phone for protecting his ears.

Yeonjun just sighed feeling a bit anxious and guilty that he for the first time slapped someone like that.

He wasn't implicating to slap him.

But it just happened...

Now how can he explain it?

"I did.." Yeonjun said in the lowest tone possible. He was a bit guilty for doing so but sometimes one all need is a good slap.

To knock some sense in them.

"Wah... I am still in disbelief. What did that bastard do or like say that legit got up slapping his ugly face?"

"Beom.. Stop talking like that."

"Oh so, you can slap him, but I can't throw some curses to him huh?"

Yeonjun sighed letting himself fall on his pillow. While Beomgyu was waiting for his reply, well until the loud silence of the older made him realize something.

"Don't tell me you are feeling guilty for slapping that Choi?"

"Kinda.." Yeonjun whispered that caused Beomgyu to only groan in his response.

"Come on hyung, you better stop being so good to others. Like seriously think about it yourself, you slapped someone like seriously. That means the other one must have said or done something to trigger someone like you."

"What the hell do you mean by someone like me?" Yeonjun raised his eyebrows hearing the other.

"You are way nicer than you think hyung. You just don't realize it."

This caused Yeonjun to just clear his throat feeling awefully flustered.

"Shut up."

"Tskk, Stop being shy." Yeonjun rolled his eyes in response. But the next question of Beomgyu got him thinking for a while.

"Are you okay now? I am assuming you don't want to tell what happened yet. But you okay? And also... What are you going to do with Soobin?"

Ah, about that.....

Yeonjun is confused yet sure..

With a slight pause, Yeonjun spoke up-

"I am still going to continue..."


"It's just a matter of few months. After that, I am done anyways. Also Mr. Jung and Mr. Min has some expectations from me.. so yeah."

"I... I really can't with you hyung."

"Me neither."

Yeonjun said chuckling bitterly. He is not gonna run from his responsibilities and duties. But that doesn't mean, he will talk normally with Soobin like nothing happened.

Not that the other boy will care anyways.

Whether he talks with him or not.

Let's see what is correct.


Soobin was feeling extremely restless ever since he came home. Neither can he eat properly, neither can he concentrate on anything.

✓ Tint Of My Autumn [Yeonbin]Where stories live. Discover now