🍁ᥴꫝꪖρꪻꫀ᥅: ꪻꫀꪀ🍁

407 29 7

Soobin entered his dorm feeling all worn out and exhausted.

Today was somehow a bit different than his usual days.

"Oh Hyung! You are back. I thought your class breaks at 4 pm? Did you go some where else?"

Soobin shook his head while walking to the restroom's open basin splashing some water to his face feeling refreshed by the cold sensation of it.

"I was at the library."

Hueningkai who was doing something on the table immediately jolted his head widening his eyes towards the male who is now coming out of the restroom with a towel on his hand drying his face.

Okay, that's not what he was expecting to hear.

What did he say? Library?

That too for 2 hours?

Soobin now looked at the younger roommate who looked visibly surprised hearing his previous statement. He sighed feeling done and continued-

"Huening, stop giving me those looks."

"I mean, who wouldn't be surprised if they say a fish just landed on water after flying in the sky?"

Soobin snorted getting the sarcasm of the younger.

"Flying fish do exists Hueningkai. It's not an impossible event." The older said while crossing his arms while the younger laughed a bit.

"Really? Must be rare then."

"They are rare."

"So, that sits very perfectly for you, right hyung?" Huening said grinning playfully.

"I hate to admit but yes it does."

"Pfft, ok coming back to the point, so you actually took my words seriously? I am touched." Hueningkai said dramatically. And Soobin didn't even need to think twice to catch the playfulness in the other one's tone.

"Tskk, that Yeonjun literally came to my class and again requested me to go to the library. I seriously felt pity for the nerd. Gosh doesn't he have any self respect?"

"Hyung, he is just persistent. Sometimes, focusing on protecting your self respect isn't the main focus."

"Oh hello what? My self respect comes first of course. What are you taking about?"

Hueningkai shook his head while chuckling a little because the hyung's thinking was so different.

Or maybe he didn't just experience the thing he is talking about.

"Of course it does Hyung. But not all the time you will find yourself caring about your self respect. You know why?"

The older frowned feeling the topic trigger his curiosity a bit as he waited for the next words only for his face expression to become blank.

"In friendship, bonding, love, you can't actually focus on your self respect. You have to keep it aside if you genuinely care about them. That's what I am talking about."

"You are younger than me for God's sake but you are talking like an elder." Soobin complained while Hueningkai grinned hearing that.

"I don't know if you are calling me old or mature. But I will consider the positive one. Thanks Hyung."

Soobin only face palmed just thinking 'He can't be serious, aish.'

"Okay even if I consider your words, then about Yeonjun? What's with him? Why is he not caring about his self respect? Any answers? He is no one to me."

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