🍁ᥴꫝꪖρꪻꫀ᥅: ꪻ᭙ꫀꪀꪻꪗ ꪮꪀꫀ🍁

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Just like that, already 1 month passed by since Yeonjun started tutoring Soobin.

And he has to mention that so many things changed all this 30 days, 4 weeks, so many hours.

If anyone said to the one month earlier Yeonjun that he, Beomgyu will become close with Soobin, he would have just laughed and brushed it off saying "Nice joke."

But Now, It's Different.

Yeonjun got to know so many things about the younger male while spending this much time with him. And he couldn't help but get astonished everytime he learned something unusual about him.

Soobin appeared to be ruthless, and very rude, not giving a damn care type.

But In reality, it's not really like that.

He doesn't express directly, but if you gain his trust, he will show indirect care and give attention to you even if it's very little.

But he will.

People say it right, "Don't judge a book by it's cover."

The cover might be appealing or even be the opposite, but the contents are not related to it.

Just like Soobin.

What a interesting world isn't it?

Yeonjun was now having his breakfast quitely with both of his parents present in the table. Normally, he would talk its and bits when he and his mom would have breakfast together. But in case of his father, he doesn't have the type of mindset to initiate any kind of talks or conversation.

Call him mean or rude, but he can't do anything.

"I am done. Thank you for the food." Saying this Yeonjun got up quitely going towards the sofa where his bag was kept and launching it on my back ready to kick start his day.

Well until-

"Mom? Where are my shoes?? I just kept them yesterday here?" The boy asked his mom feeling confused at the sudden disappearance of his shoes.

"Huh? What? Are you sure honey? Because all of the shoes are here since yesterday. I even checked."

"You didn't find my shoes?"

"I thought you kept in the shoe box." Yeonjun sighed feeling frustrated and further spoke-

"It's not there mom.. Wait did you keep the door open or what?"

"I think it was open for a while yesterday when I was throwing out the trash."

Yeonjun now wanted to cry hearing this.

He is pretty sure by now that his shoes got stolen.

It's not a brand new incident actually.

People's shoes often get stolen in this area but Yeonjun didn't expect that his own pair will be gone as well.

The hell, he loved that shoe so much.

"Why are you creating such a ruckus on this issue, there is a new pair of converse shoes kept at that side. Wear that."

The elder male said with his voice laced in annoyance. Yeonjun heard it and saw the box kept at that pointed side. He glanced at his mother's face for a second and just saw that she was just feeling sorry for him.

The boy just shook his head having no choice but to wear the new pair.

He was hating this idea because he disliked wearing converse so much as those shoes scrapped his feet, and toes from the side painfully giving him blisters.

✓ Tint Of My Autumn [Yeonbin]Where stories live. Discover now