🍁ᥴꫝꪖρꪻꫀ᥅: ᦓꫀꪜꫀꪀ🍁

376 28 20

Soobin quitely entered his dorm already knowing that the younger roommate must be back already.

And he was right as he saw the younger coming out of his room.

"Heyy Hyung you are back."

"Yeah I guess."

Hueningkai frowned by the strangely quite and calm state of the older male. As he actually expected the older to arrive at the dorm with his slamming techniques again.

"You good?"

"You really think I will be good Huening?"

Hueningkai shook his head getting a reply he was actually expecting.

"Why though? Because of your tutoring session?"

Soobin jolted his head towards the younger in shock raising his eyebrows questionably.

How the heck did he get to know about it?

Hell he didn't tell anyone.

Not that he has anyone to tell anyways.

"How did you know about that?"

"Because your teacher-nim was looking for your classroom and asked me for the directions. I later asked why he was looking for you and then I got to learn this is going on. He seemed quite nice-"

"Oh Please." Soobin rolled his eyes hearing the last statement while the younger was not surprised seeing this reaction.

"You know hyung, why don't you just give a little effort? You know you got some good guidance." The younger suggested.

"Look Huening I don't want to get any kind of tutoring sessions from that nerd-

"Hey Hyung, that's mean. Don't call him names like that." Hueningkai defended the senior while Soobin was in disbelief.

"Do I look like I care Huening? And you really defending that guy? Seriously?"

"You shouldn't be saying this hyung. So how did the tutoring session go today? I know that he went to tell you that you two are gonna start today."

Now Soobin went silent.

He felt a bit hesitant to speak further.

Hueningkai frowned at the sudden unexpected silence and just gasped when something hit him.

"Don't tell me, you didn't go..."

"Umm, something like that. Hey I forgot okay." Soobin looked away avoiding eye contact feeling a sting in his conscience for leaving that poor boy wait like that.

"So that's why I heard that he was sitting at the library alone for so long." Soobin's eyes widened hearing this.


"Seriously? So it was you hyung? You really kept him waiting? I can't believe you." Hueningkai in such a disappointed tone that made Soobin feel even more guilty but obviously he didn't show it.

And the worst part is that Hueningkai never really spoke in that disappointment laced tone ever.

"I t-told you I forgot. Also I refused him earlier that I am not coming anyways. So who told him to wait there. He is stubborn for no reason-

"Who is saying this again? You? He is being stubborn? Then what about you?"

Soobin was actually very taken aback by how straight forward replies were thrown to his face by the younger who usually remained quite and calm.

✓ Tint Of My Autumn [Yeonbin]Where stories live. Discover now