🍁ᥴꫝꪖρꪻꫀ᥅: ᠻ꠸ꪜꫀ🍁

396 30 25

Now Yeonjun and Beomgyu were at the university campus. Well until he earned a loud scream from the younger-


Before Beomgyu could speak even more, Yeonjun jabbed his hand on top of the younger's mouth shutting him down.

"Geez- keep it down will you Gyu?" Yeonjun glared at the younger male obviously not liking the reaction he got.

But Beomgyu wasn't even close to calm down. He was absolutely furious hearing that his favorite hyung is gonna teach that mannerless bastard.

No he will not tolerate that.

That shit even misbehaved with Yeonjun that day infront of his eyes.

What's the guarantee that he will not behave like this in the future with Yeonjun?

So No! Absolutely no.

"No do you expect me to stay put with this, where my best friend will be teaching someone who can't even respect someone properly?"

Yeonjun was speechless hearing the words of Beomgyu. He doesn't really know whether the statement was true or not.

Sure he had been misbehaved with.

But what he heard from the gossips of the students earlier, he had a new perspective of judging this.

Beomgyu was still angry while Yeonjun kept this hands on the younger' shoulder attempting to calm him down.

"Beomgyu, it's gonna be fine. Really fine. He really needs some guidance. I saw his grade reports and others, he needs serious help."

"Then why can't the teachers choose someone else?"


Beomgyu just sighed calming down processing the situation.

Beomgyu now thought that Yeonjun was actually right.

But he was still skeptical.

"When are you gonna start teaching him?"

"Wait- You are fine with this?" The older asked being visibly surprised, eyes widening as well. Beomgyu rolled his eyes before nodding-

"I am no one to take decision on behalf of you hyung. I can only tell you or warn you. The rest is up to you. And whatever you do I got nothing but to support you."

Yeonjun chuckled feeling better at the bitter yet sweet words of the younger. But he chose to pay more value to that of the sweet words.

"It feels weird when you talk like a legit philosopher." Yeonjun jokingly added making the younger laugh as well.

"Tskk!! Whatever. I don't care."

Yeonjun shook his head just before mumbling 'What a Tsundere' to himself.

Time skip, when Yeonjun had to actually talk to Soobin. Yes the real talk and talk.

And to the negative side, Yeonjun didn't even know which section Soobin was in. The first step is always the hardest part seriously.

Approaching the other.

There he was now. Yeonjun standing gripping on his bag pack's strap as those hidden eyes behind the glass frames wandered around searching for someone.

✓ Tint Of My Autumn [Yeonbin]Where stories live. Discover now