🍁ᥴꫝꪖρꪻꫀ᥅: ꪻꫝ꠸᥅ꪻꫀꫀꪀ🍁

377 36 3

The whole day passed by in the blink of an eye. Yeonjun's mind kept on hovering over that one fact that, Soobin asked him if he was okay or not in the morning after he accidentally bumped into him.

"You okay?"

Yeonjun groaned as he again heard the ringing soft voice of that younger male. Gracious, what the heck is wrong with him?

"Maybe I should have answered him properly.." Yeonjun thought to himself as he mindlessly packing his stuff. Until Beomgyu came and snapped him out of his thoughts slapping his hand.

"Oww! Hey! What's wrong-" The elder male said rubbing his forearms feeling the stinging sensation from the slap there at the same time glaring at the other male.

"Tskk, that's what happened if you space out so much."

Yeonjun sighed not having any points to argue because Beomgyu was actually right.

"Let's go hang out! We are lucky that our last class is actually a free period for today." Beomgyu excitedly said pulling his arms. Yeonjun felt bad seeing the excitement because-

"Beom... Actually I want to take a nap until 4 pm, I am not really feeling myself today." Beomgyu's face expression immediately changed to that of a worried one.

"Huh? What? Why? Do you want me to get something for you?" Yeonjun shook his head with a light smile.

"No no, thank you Beom. Just not getting enough sleep. I have been lately having some sleeping issues."

The younger male who quitely listened to him just nodded understanding it.

"Okay then. Take some rest. But where?"

"Library. It's comparatively quite there."

"I see. Okay. Let's go, let me walk you to the library."

Yeonjun didn't deny the offer because it would be nice getting some short time company to the way of library. Beomgyu walked Yeonjun to the library before bidding goodbye to the older going somewhere else.

The older got out his bare minimum amount of supplies before laying on the table wanting to get disconnected from the world for a short period of time.

Yeonjun took off his glasses before laying on top of his hands and closed his eyes.

Drifting to the dreamland.

Time Skip~
Soobin glanced at his wrist watch and saw there was only 5 minutes left for the clock to strike 4 O'Clock in the afternoon. Despite not wanting to feel nervous or scared, it felt nerve wracking to again go to the elder.

"Hyung!" Soobin stopped on his tracks and turned to see Hueningkai waving at him.

"Huening?" The older saw the younger roomie skipping towards him.

"Where are you going now?"

"Library. Tutoring sessions you know?" His statement came out more timid and lower than his usual tone. But Huening thankfully didn't question that.

"Oh Shit- Yeah Yeah. I forgot okay. Go Hyung. See ya at that dorm."

Soobin nodded with a tight lipped expression as he bid the younger bye continuing his way towards the library with nervousness pooling out of his body.

He had a strong feeling wanting to throw up from how much nervous he felt.

Finally he reached the library entering hesitantly. And the first thing his eyes caught is that the older male was sleeping peacefully.

✓ Tint Of My Autumn [Yeonbin]Where stories live. Discover now