🍁ᥴꫝꪖρꪻꫀ᥅: ꪻꫝ꠸᥅ꪻꪗ ᠻ꠸ꪜꫀ🍁

370 29 17

Last day of university before a small vacation passed by in a flash.

And to Yeonjun's despair, he didn't see Soobin today. Yes, he wasn't tutoring Soobin for now. Though he heard Soobin actually came to university. Thanks to his cute roommate Hueningkai. He requested Hueningkai to pass an urgent message that he wants to meet as soon as possible.

And he just prays Hueningkai did the job as he waited by their common spot at the campus.

Yeonjun sat there on a nearby bench and restlessly waited for the taller male's appearance. After a good 10 minutes of waiting, he spotted the figure of the desired male making him sigh in relief.

"Soobin hereee!!" Yeonjun waved his hand catching the taller's attention who quickly jogged towards him with a soft smile.

"Hii Hyung!"

"Where were you all day? You didn't even meet us in the lunch break."

No greetings.

Just straight up questions okay?

Soobin noticed how fast the older rambled making him laugh a bit before saying-

"Was a bit busy today. Sorry about that. But why so restless? You missed me?" Soobin said with a cheeky grin making the other flustered feeling exposed. He just coughed a bit before saying-


"Fine fine. You don't have to say anything. I know you missed me." Soobin said ruffling the older's hair placing a soft peck on his cheeks making the other jolt up fast. He should really start getting used to his gestures.

"So why did you want to meet me? Huening told me it was urgent." Soobin now jumped to the point making Yeonjun nervous but he had to do it anyways. So yes, let's go Yeonjun.

"Y-Yeah- about that.. umm Soobin.."

"Yes? Anything wrong?" Soobin asked raising his brows.

Taking a deep breath, the older rambled out in a fast pace.

"My father wants to meet you. He thinks that you are my boyfriend."

Soobin took a few seconds to actually process the thing Yeonjun said as he loudly said-

"EHHH?" Yeonjun shut his eyes feeling embarrassed already as he was starting to panic already as he didn't want Soobin to misunderstand this in any way.

"I-I am sorry- I don't know how on earth dad assumed this thing. Probably my mom. P-PLEASE don't misunderstand anything. You can say no if you don't feel comforta-

"Calm down hyung!" Soobin had to put his index against the other's mouth to stop him from continuously rambling things that were not even true.

"I just d-don't want you to get this thing wrong and get angry."

"Who said that I will get angry? Am I that scary?" Soobin asked questionably. While Yeonjun agressively shook his head trying to actually act normal not all messed up like this. Soobin on the other hand was feeling quite amused because he always saw a constant calmness of the older never this jambled up version of him.

He can't lie, he found it very adorable.

At this point, Yeonjun would do anything and he would still find him adorable explains how much soft he has fallen for the older.

✓ Tint Of My Autumn [Yeonbin]Where stories live. Discover now