🍁 ᥴꫝꪖρꪻꫀ᥅: ꪻ᭙ꫀꪀꪻꪗ ᠻꪮꪊ᥅ 🍁

396 33 27

Ever heard of a psychological fact that-

"Tell a person they are wrong they will cover their ears, tell a person they are right, they will listen to you all day long."

And that's the same for Soobin.

He almost spilled the tea about today to Hueningkai subconsciously. But thankfully before the damage was done, he zipped his mouth. Now that he thinks about it...

What was he actually thinking at that time?

Did something took control over him?

But he.... Liked it.

Being close to the older male.

Now that's worrisome. His inner conflict and war kept on increasing day by day. 2 months in this tutoring stuff and he was already having another trouble.

Despite hating it for the first few weeks, he started loving the feeling he got. But still he couldn't understand what that sense of comfort meant.

Guess that's what a fool is defined by.

Next day~
Soobin was having a hard time on how to face Yeonjun that day. It was already lunch time but he was contemplating whether he wants to join the other three males or give away some lame excuse.

"Oh hey Soobin Bro!!" Soobin jumped a bit by the sudden throwing of hand around his shoulder. He looked beside only to spot Beomgyu with his usual cheerful demeanor.

"Hey Beomgyu." Soobin greeted back. Now Beomgyu raised his eyebrows before saying-

"What's with the dead tone? Come on Hueningkai and Yeonjun hyung is waiting for us in the cafeteria. Come on."

Beomgyu purposely put emphasis on 'Yeonjun hyung' wanting to learn about Soobin's counter behavior. And he did get it.

Soobin visibly tensed up hearing the name. Well for Beomgyu it was obvious because he already sensed about what was going on.

Otherwise no one would have noticed it.

"U-Uh I am not hungry Beomgyu... I have umm- a task to complete. So yeah, I will not-

Beomgyu's mind only flashed two words.

Lame excuse.

He didn't even let Soobin finish his words as he cut through his sentence saying-

"At least have a drink. You look tired and your dead tone is giving it away. Come in bro you need some energy."


Soobin was pulled immediately by another hand towards the cafeteria as he sighed heavily thinking on what to do.

Urghh How awkward. How will I face Yeonjun hyung?

Fuck it Soobin you should have thought about this yesterday.

You dumb piece of shit.

Beomgyu only snickered understanding the hesitancy of Soobin because he knew what he was thinking.

'Geez He is getting hesitant? I can't believe this was the same person who called a nerd just months ago' Beomgyu thought to himself while grinning and smirking lightly.

Despite feeling full and scared he was forced to go with Beomgyu. Because obviously the latter looked determined to not let him go hungry.

"Eyyy! We are hereee!" Beomgyu waved to the two people jumping cheerfully.

✓ Tint Of My Autumn [Yeonbin]Where stories live. Discover now