🍁ᥴꫝꪖρꪻꫀ᥅: ꪻꫝ꠸᥅ꪻꪗ ꪻ᭙ꪮ🍁

407 28 15

Three months almost at the verge of bidding farewell.

The fourth month to say hello to them, also the mid semester knocking on the student's door.

Soobin despite growing with passage of flying months continued to work hard for the exams because he had to do something shocking this time. Even though he lost hope and felt hopeless at some stages of the past months, his biggest guidance was there to support him and cheer him always.


Oh how much he respected, admired and lastly.... loved this person.

It's beyond his expressing abilities.

"How is it going bin-ah?" Yeonjun asked softly ruffling the worn out looking male's hair who just thumped his face against the table groaning.

"I hate it hyung... Seriously. I can't do it. This is damn frustrating." Soobin complained feeling all worked up due to his inability to continue studying for even longer.

"Relatable... I also say the same to my mom sometimes." Instead of saying 'oh it's gonna be okay' or 'like you can do it', Yeonjun just straight up admitted that he also felt the same and there was nothing wrong in feeling so.

Soobin who was thumped against the table picked his head up hearing this and turned to the older questionably.

"Really? You too?"

"Yes, I do as well." With a chuckle the older added.

"Then, what does Mrs. Choi reply?"

"She says take a break. Then come back with a fresh mind. Take a stroll, do something that will relax you." Soobin smiled a lit revealing his dear poke-able dimples melting the latter's heart in an instance.

"Really?" The younger asked scooting a little more closer to the older who just nodded slightly with a sweet smile. Sweet enough to lure the taller male infront of him.

Well until-

"How are you two boys doing?" Soobin jumped a bit from the sudden voice because he for sure was having some thoughts. But now he looked towards the direction of the voice and just saw the librarian lady causing him to just sigh a little.

"Oh Ma'am we are doing okay. Just a bit tired from the continuous work." Yeonjun replied to the lady enthusiastically with a wide smile on his face while Soobin just looked at the two of them with a blank face.

Well don't get him wrong- he does respect the librarian lady but he feels a umm.. a bit annoyed?

With a heavy sigh, he just stood up from his seat causing the other two look at him questionably.

"Oh Soobin-ssi? Do you need anything?" The lady asked the taller male who just shook his head before saying-

"Uh- Nothing special.... Umm oh yeah- I wanted to look for a book, yeah I will look for it." Soobin said in a quite strange manner. Yeonjun looked quite confused at the younger.

"Oh do you need any help-

"NO NO NO- The librarian lady looked startled at the sudden defensive tone of the boy causing her to become even more puzzled. Even Yeonjun who was startled looked at him confusingly.

What's with him?

Soobin who just cursed internally just gave out a nervous expression before shaking both his head and hand saying-

✓ Tint Of My Autumn [Yeonbin]Where stories live. Discover now