🍁ᥴꫝꪖρꪻꫀ᥅: ꪻꫝ꠸᥅ꪻꪗ🍁

436 28 18

The next day, soft rays of light entered the room awakening Yeonjun with a soft groan from the sudden light exposure.

Picking his head from the pillow, with a sub-conscious mind, the older tried to get up to get stopped by another extra hand. He flinched suddenly only to see Soobin holding his hand while sleeping soundly.

Heartbeat picking it's pace, jumping up and down in happiness, Yeonjun's mouth parted as the memories from the last night flooded his mind. Only for a soft smile appearing on his mouth gleaming there.

"Soobin-ah.. get up.." He shook the other and tapped the latter's cheeks wanting to pull him out of his dreamland.

Come on why are you sleeping so much?

What are you dreaming?

I hope I am there too.

Yeonjun with a light smile just hovered lightly from the side on top of the sleeping male's face.

"Soobin-ah, get up." Yeonjun said blowing air to the other's face wanting to irritate him a little but the latter still remained unfazed fast asleep.

The older then brought his nose closer to the sleeping male's exposed neck and just rubbed it with an aim of tickling him.

Ahaha. Cute.

And It worked.

Soobin flinched lightly jolting up awake feeling the ticklish feeling on his neck. Yeonjun noticed the startled expression of the younger with a knowing cheeky grin.

Lol, his face looks hilarious.

The off guarded face expression of the younger made the older burst out in fits of laughter as he rolled on his bed while the younger looked puzzled staring at the laughing male-

"What the- Soobin could only mumble.

"Lmao- Your face- AHAHAHAH! Good morning you finally woke up." Yeonjun's cheeks turned rosy because of laughing so hard in a while but the latter despite being awaken from his slumber like this just smiled adoring the older.

Oh he would do anything to see the older smile and laugh like this.

"So, you are the one who tickled me- hah- how could you? My precious sleep." Soobin groaned acting like he was annoyed and just sleep deprived.

"I was having a good dream and you woke me upppp!" The younger whined now causing the older's face expression to falter a bit, a very small and almost invisible pout appeared on the other's full lips.

Taken aback by the sudden silence, Soobin glanced at the older and just saw the sulky expression of him.


"It's already late, we have to go to Uni as well. Let's go." Yeonjun attempted to stand up wanting to get dressed up when he just got pulled from behind two hands softly wrapping around his frame and an extra weight being kept on his shoulder.

"W-What the- Soobin?"

"Why are you sulking hyung?" Yeonjun felt the heat of embarrassment crawl to his face along with his heart attempting to run for a 500 metre race wanting to win a gold medal without any doubt.

"I-I am n-not- who said that-


Yeonjun just lightly bit his lower lip still feel so comfortable and warm under the hug of the latter. The next moment Soobin softly intertwined their hands sharing the body heat of each other. One being warm, and one being close to cold.

✓ Tint Of My Autumn [Yeonbin]Where stories live. Discover now