🍁ᥴꫝꪖρꪻꫀ᥅: ᦓ꠸᥊ꪻꫀꫀꪀ🍁

381 31 9

Time rolled by in it's own pace without any stop.

It's been half a month since Yeonjun started tutoring Soobin, that means 2 weeks.

Also a while since Soobin and Beomgyu clicked off.

Despite not becoming the bestest of bestest friend, they were quite good with each other. Much to Yeonjun's surprise.

Thanks to Beomgyu, both of them got to hangout with Soobin for atleast a little more time than usual. Yeonjun still couldn't tell whether he and Soobin were friends or not.

He could tell the difference seeing Beom and Soobin.

But one thing for sure, they passed the stranger phase already.

"Done for today." Yeonjun said while closing his book giving a small smile to the other boy who just sighed in relief hearing this.

"Thank God!"

Soobin them checked his watch and saw that it's been only one and half hours. He questionably turned to the older and asked-

"Uh? It hasn't even been 2 hours? You are letting me off early today?"

"Kindaa!" Yeonjun said with a silly grin but a cute one.

According to Soobin.

Well let's keep it secret now.

Soobin hummed lightly before throwing his bag on his shoulder ready to leave until-

"Umm, WAIT! Soobin!"

Soobin got startled by his sudden call and turned around asking through his face expression that "What's wrong?"

"Uh- Can you help me find a book please? We just need to look through the fictional book section."

Soobin sighed before saying-

"Which book?" Yeonjun's eyes lightened up hearing the affirmative response from the taller and he immediately replied-

"Tint of My Autumn."

Soobin heard the name of the book feeling a bit surprised because he actually saw Hueningkai once reading this book maybe.

Not sure though if it was the same book or not.

Yeonjun noticed his face expression and said-

"Oh? Why are you so surprised?"

"I think I heard this name before that's it."

Yeonjun chuckled before saying-

"Of course you must have, it is a very popular fictional book for the past few years. And I didn't get the chance to read the book as it wasn't available anywhere."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah! That's why I told the librarian lady to bring this book for me!! And she did!! I just have to look through the fictional book section."

Soobin just observed the older male's face expression who looked very excited to read this supposedly popular book.

Good to know that he wasn't the type to always bury his nose inside the text books.

"Okay, then let's go. Tell me some details about the book. Like the cover color and genre."

Soobin said going towards the most corner section where the fictional book section was located followed by Yeonjun.

✓ Tint Of My Autumn [Yeonbin]Where stories live. Discover now