🍁ᥴꫝꪖρꪻꫀ᥅: ꪀ꠸ꪀꫀ🍁

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Finally, Yeonjun grabbed his notebook and started scanning it looking for something. He moved a bit closer to the other male as it will be more convenient for him to teach.

"Umm so, I actually wrote down the syllabus for your convenience. Can you just read it once? Here."

Yeonjun said while handing over the other his notebook who quitely took it thankfully. And it didn't take a second for him to understand that the other was having a hard time studying the whole contents.

"What is this spatial periodicity?" Soobin asked feeling hella confused not having to ever heard this term before.

Yeonjun was surprised hearing this because, this stuff should have been in covered in the first year..

And looking at the younger, it seemed like he didn't hear this topic.

But he didn't show his astonishment to the other because obviously that would be demotivating. And no no, he isn't the type to demotivate the curiosity of them.

"It actually means the time period of an object that depends on the space or position it is at. This character is called spatial periodicity."

Soobin didn't look like he could process a single word the older said. So, Yeonjun shook his head before grabbing his rough book and drawing a simple figure.

"What is this? Can you tell me?" Yeonjun said showing his drawing to the other who just scanned the picture before saying-

"It's a pendulum?"

"Right. For learning this periodicity just know that there was two types of pendulum, a simple pendulum and another is Second pendulum. Now if we tie a bob with a thread and let it suspend around freely, we call it pendulum right?"


Yeonjun now observed the other male's body language. And to his plus point, Soobin did look interested and intrigued to learn more. Smiling a little, he went back to his explaining.

"Okay can you tell me why our weight seems to be different on the basis of our locations?"

"Due to the shape of the earth I guess. You know those umm.. like the value of 'g' or something differs."

"You are right!!! Great Jobb! So like you said, the value of 'g' differs. And it's the same case of pendulums. If it is taken to various locations, you will see the time period will differ. Here look at the formula."

Yeonjun scribbled down the formula while Soobin found himself oddly focused on this stuff. It was actually fun?

"Now since the time period depends on the value of 'g', it differs in terms of positions and location. So this type of traits is called the spatial periodicity. Clear?"

Soobin quitely took the pencil and like scanned something mumbling stuffs to himself probably the new things he just learnt before nodding.

"I got it, I guess surprisingly."

Yeonjun let out a huge sigh of relief hearing that he actually managed to make the other understand this crucial topic. He smiled lightly feeling satisfied.

"That's great. You are already very smart enough to catch it so quickly. Before moving to the next topic, just review the things we learnt right now, so that it might be easier to summarize this."

Soobin hummed before nodding and moving his attention to his own notebook scribbling down the things he learned immediately so that he doesn't forget it.

✓ Tint Of My Autumn [Yeonbin]Where stories live. Discover now