🍁ᥴꫝꪖρꪻꫀ᥅: ꪻꫝ꠸᥅ꪻꪗ ᠻꪮꪊ᥅🍁

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Beomgyu was now infront of Taehyun's house. Hesitancy clouding his mind, leaving heavy sighs the older male finally approached the wooden door of the apartment.

Knock knock.

"Coming." Beomgyu heard a faint voice from inside and unmistakably he could figure out that it was Taehyun's voice.

Door creaks open.

The next second, Beomgyu lifted his head to face the younger male who he was anticipating standing there being really surprised. Because it was the first time, Beomgyu came to his house.

So he was the least person he expected to come.

"You?" Taehyun mumbled lightly. While Beomgyu only nodded slightly meeting with the younger's eyes.

But the younger moved his head away breaking the eye contact.

That single action broke Beomgyu's heart.

You don't know what is pain when you look eye to eye to the person you truly love but they move their eyes away.

"What are you doing here?........ You are probably at the wrong place. Leave."

Saying this Taehyun was about to close the door until Beomgyu blocked the door refraining the other from doing so.

"You don't even wanna see my face Bambi? Hate me that much....?" The older said standing against the wooden door face the latter who just remained glued to his position not bothering to look at the older.

No response.

That hurts.

Sighing harshly, Beomgyu yanked the younger inside his own apartment before shutting the front door and focusing on the latter. Bewildered by the sudden yank, Taehyun looked at the older in disbelief.

"What the- what do you think you are doing hyung?" Taehyun retorted being frustrated enough to yell at the older male only to stiffen up the next second as his shoulder raised by a few centimeters when the older grabbed him by his forearm pulling him into a warm and comforting hug.

"I am sorry, I shouldn't have argued with you like that. Sorry, yell at me, hit me, slap me but at least talk to me please... Don't just.... look away."

Beomgyu rambled out not being able to hold back his tightening and suffocating feelings. Taehyun who was currently under the embrace of the older only blinked his doe eyes in pure disbelief as his cheeks dusted up with some crimson traces along with his shoulders to get loose from the former stiffened up position.

"Why didn't you come to university today? Is it because of me?" Beomgyu pulling away slightly from the hug enough to face the younger ranted out with a sad expression.

"N-No no actually.... mom had to leave the town today all of a sudden this early morning. So... Umm that's why.." Taehyun finally spoke up clearing up the doubt of the older who only sighed in relief.

"You aren't planning to kick me out of here are you?" Beomgyu suddenly asked making Taehyun panic immediately as he shook his head agressively saying-

"Hey- what- uh- what got you thinking that?"

"Your silence... By how it looks, it seems that you are not planning to answer any time sooner." The older said softly with sadness and disappointment laced in his voice.

Taehyun now felt a tiny bit guilty uh- nevermind really guilty for making the older male sad. He never really imagined the older getting this much affected just by his mere silence.

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