🍁ꫀρ꠸ꪶꪮᧁꪊꫀ: ꪑꫀꪑꪮ᥅ꪗ🍁

583 32 21

The results day finally arrived.

Three males were currently going to their university as usual. Soobin, Hueningkai and Beomgyu.

Their insides filled with fear, anxiety and nervousness. It's normal to feel it this way.

And every single student can relate obviously.

"UFF I always hate this day. Like can this get any worst?" Beomgyu complained stomping and kicking his feet while walking like an angry child.

"Yeah Beomgyu hyung! You are right." Hueningkai added while huffing out loudly while Soobin only listened to the two of them quitely. He didn't feel the necessity to comment anything in this thing because he is fully aware of the fact that, they know how he feels about this day too.

And besides, he is very scared and nervous too as well.

He was scared he might fail in the exams and get himself ousted from the university permanently while breaking Yeonjun's belief on him.

Hueningkai and Beomgyu who were slightly behind the taller male just glanced at each other understanding the thing fully. An eye contact is enough. They don't even have to talk.

Hueningkai mouthed a few words to the other-

"Soobin hyung looks tensed hyung.. I am not liking this." Beomgyu pursed his lips thinking about what to do. He just slide one straps of his backpack from one of his shoulder and shoved his hand inside the bag trying to find something he roughly remembered having it with him.

His eyes shimmered up when he found exactly what he was looking for.

A Polaroid picture.

On the other hand, Hueningkai who spotted the older's face lighting up just by a mere polaroid picture scrunched his face in confusion. He just peeked at what the other was holding. And almost immediately a grin formed in his face too.

It was polaroid photo of Yeonjun and Soobin that was clicked by Beomgyu secretly just two days ago when they had a hang out together.

What makes it more cute is that Yeonjun was immersed in something looking through his phone while standing by the roadside while Soobin stood beside him looking at him with the utmost love filled eyes.

Just whipped as usual.

Beomgyu noticed this with his as usual sharp eyes and he happened to be carrying his polaroid camera with him as well. Thus leading him to capture this absolutely beautiful moment.

The natural lighting and the sheer nature around them making the moment more breath taking.

"Wah, Hyung you took this that day?"

Hueningkai asked still whispering with wide eyes with a mischievous glint in his eyes as Beomgyu chuckled while nodding. He just signed the younger to wait as he will do something now.

Beomgyu now walked near Soobin matching his pace with the taller one before putting his hand around the other's shoulder playfully. Soobin who was in his world now glanced at him raising his eyebrows like he was asking-

"What's with you?"

"Soobin bro wanna see something?"

"And what is it?"

Beomgyu who smiled cheekily now teasingly held the polaroid picture infront of the taller one's eyes just for a few seconds, enough for the latter to realize that it was his picture causing him to widen his eyes.

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