🍁ᥴꫝꪖρꪻꫀ᥅: ꫀ꠸ᧁꫝꪻꫀꫀꪀ🍁

392 33 10

Soobin is currently freaking out by how his mind has started to work against his own will and wishes.

Specially in the cases of that specific elder male.

He just rubbed his temples feeling frustrated and extremely weirded out by how frequently it is happening this days.

The clock was about to strike 4 O'Clock, and according to his words and listening to the requests of the older male, he still came to the library with some light hopes of doing well in the quiz. He sighed for the thousandth time this day and just put head down on the table waiting for the elder to come closing his eyes for a while.

He didn't even notice he almost dozed off until he felt a soft hand kneading through his hair locks more like patting it.

"Soobin are you sleeping? Hey wake up.."

Gosh, that was the most softest tone he ever heard while someone was waking him up.

He swears he will fall asleep if the voice continues to lure him like this. But still having a huge urge of sleeping, Soobin picked up his head with drowsy eyes and saw Yeonjun staring at him with a soft face.

"You good? You wanna drink something for refreshment?"

The older male offered kindly which unintentionally gave the younger a tingling sensation inside his stomach.

Okay weird.

Hella weird.

Soobin just shook his head denying that he was fine.

"I am fine, just dozed off. So let's start?"

"Okayy, as you say." Yeonjun said with a soft smile before grabbing his notebook and other stationary. Soobin strangely watched the older doing so, when in general or normally he wouldn't do so.

"And apologies because I got late as I was getting the photocopies of this paper." Yeonjun said handing the younger a sheet of paper as he scanned through the contents.

Oh, it was the syllabus and topics for tomorrow's quiz.

"You prepared this?" Soobin asked with pure astonishment not being able to believe that someone can actually give so much effort for him. Yeonjun nodded timidly because it really wasn't a big deal for him.

"Yeah... I had some notes based on this topics. So yeah and also can you solve the problems in the last page now? For taking some preparation." Soobin hearing his statement turned to the last page and saw a bunch of questions left for him to answer. Without wasting any more time, he grabbed his pen and jumped into the task.

Yeonjun smiled and he himself focused on his paper as well.


Paper turning sound.


Confused expressions.

Yet Confident answers.

All together made the scene interesting to watch.

"Time up Soobin. Are you done?" Yeonjun now asked the younger who just sighed and said not feeling confident-

"Kinda." Yeonjun noticed the hesitancy in the younger's tone but didn't say anything as he was yet to know the reason of the hesitant tone.

The two of them solved the questions and matched them with the answers one by one. After doing so in like 10 minutes, Yeonjun asked-

"How did you do?"

✓ Tint Of My Autumn [Yeonbin]Where stories live. Discover now