🍁ᥴꫝꪖρꪻꫀ᥅: ᦓ꠸᥊🍁

422 30 14

Now it was lunch time.

Yeonjun and Beomgyu were eating more like only Beomgyu was because the other was only playing around with his food.


Because he was actually tensed that whether the boy he was supposed to teach will come or not.

Unknowingly a sigh came out of his mouth making Beomgyu aware that something is up with him. He nudged the older and said-

"What's wrong hyung?"

Yeonjun was about to speak up but only to shut his mouth again because things can get worse if he tells Beomgyu about this.

He convinced the boy about this tutoring stuff with great effort.

And now telling this will ruin everything.

Another thing is that he hates the other guy's guts so much.

This will only add fuel to his fire of hatred.

So might as well keep quite.

"Hyunggg! Did you really zone out? Hello?" The older snapped out of his thoughts only to see Beomgyu looking at him confusingly.

"Oh Yeah? Beom you were saying something?"

Beomgyu now looked done. Putting down his chopsticks, he focused on the older.

"This just proves that something is bothering you. What's wrong?"

"Oh a-actually, I am not really hungry. That's why I can't eat, you know those days...hehe!"

Beomgyu still looked unconvinced by his reply. Not even close to being assured. But he at last just sighed not pushing the older anymore. Because he might be speaking the truth and he doesn't want to make it seem that be doesn't trust the older.

"Fine, atleast finish your fruits. Or else you will get sick." Beomgyu said while giving some strawberries and oranges to the older's plate from his.

Yeonjun smiled a little by the sweet gesture of the younger.

"Thanks Beom." The older said ruffling the other's soft hair who groaned by the action.

"Hyunggg! My Hair! I styled it for 30 minutes and you just ruffled it up. NAUR!" Beomgyu said more like whining to the older who chuckled at the silly act.

Out of habit, Yeonjun pushed his glasses back before starting to concentrate on eating a bit.

He should really eat. Because he gotta need a whole lot of energy to deal with this rude ass guy.

Truthfully speaking, Yeonjun felt bad for the guy as he heard the matter of gossips and rumours from the taller.

It just shows that the boy is quite aware of his surroundings. And he couldn't care less because it won't change the fact that those dirty mouth will still keep on speaking even if he defends himself.

So might as well not bother about it.

Time skip~
Yeonjun was done with his classes for today. And normally he would walk with Beomgyu on the way to their home.

But not today.

"So ready to go?" Beomgyu came to the older with his backpack. Yeonjun sighed and shook his head a little making the other frown.

✓ Tint Of My Autumn [Yeonbin]Where stories live. Discover now