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The sunny, hot days day by day rolled by now for the wind to get a bit more chillier yet more comfortable compared to the previous unbearable ones.

Signalling that Autumn was coming to greet them soon.

Now Yeonjun was walking towards his university. Despite the fact he could take a bus directly and arrive there in minimum time, he chose to just walk enjoying the peaceful and cool ambience. The tree leaves had started to already change their color slightly transitioning from green to that of the warm colors.

Isn't it pretty amusing that the hot seasons had cooler toned leaves and that of the opposite in the cold seasons?

The male with his soft black hair just shivered up a bit by the chilly wind hitting his skin directly despite the fact he didn't wear that much of a light clothing. He just shoved his hands in the jacket's pocket in an attempt to keep them warm.

Ah he should have applied some moisturizer in his hands. But good thing he applied a hydrating layer on his face and a reddish tint on his lips.

"The weather looks nice today." The male thought to himself as he eyed the nature and his surroundings before shifting his gaze to the university.

Oh he reached his destination already. Well that was a quick walk. Uhh not really it was just Yeonjun thinking it was a short walk despite walking for a solid 25-30 minutes.

"Beom!!! Good Morning." He greeted his best friend who just flashed his bright smile and repeated the greetings as well.

"Woah, Hyung you look like you are in a good mood." Beomgyu laughed a bit before shaking the forearm of the older who just chuckled at the childish act of the male.

"Really? Am I? I guess the weather is good that's why." Yeonjun said shrugging while shaking his shoulders with a silly grin in his face.

"OHHHH! Right! Autumn is coming. Makes sense why your mood is good. Great great. Stay like that." Both of them unitedly just laughed before going to the class together like two best buddies.

Time Skip~

Yeonjun and Beomgyu had their last class for the day separately. So bidding each other goodbyes, they left for their respective classes. Beomgyu was on his way to the 3rd floor for his last class though he still had time but he would rather go early and wait. Well until he caught something by the corner of his eyes.

A boy who was supposedly doing something kneeling down on the floor.

But that wasn't the issue that boiled Beomgyu's blood. He noticed that a few groups of hooligan students literally ogling at the kneeled down boy from the upper floor in a dirty manner.

Anyone would understand that.

His jaw and fist clenched up unknowingly before taking his heavy steps towards the boy whose only back view was noticable. Even though Beomgyu didn't realize who the boy was from a distance, he immediately did recognize the boy approaching his closely.

And this added to the bubbling rage and anger rushing through the veins of the older.

How dare they eye Taehyun like that? Yes it was Taehyun.

By the time Beomgyu approached Taehyun, the younger one stood up slowly but before he could go upstairs, he was pulled back by a harsh grip hastily causing him to loose his balance immediately. Instead of meeting with the floor, he bumped into someone's front side.


Taehyun couldn't even process anything else because before that his mouth was met with another mouth causing his eyes to widen and his first instinct was to push the other away only to realize it was the same boy who he accidentally umm... Nevermind.

✓ Tint Of My Autumn [Yeonbin]Where stories live. Discover now