🍁ᥴꫝꪖρꪻꫀ᥅: ꪻ᭙ꫀꪀꪻꪗ🍁

454 36 82

Finally the two roommates were back to dorm from the university ready to jump into bed.

Today was one of a hectic day.

Specially for Soobin.

Both Physically, mentally and.... From the case of emotions as well.

That image of the older male wearing the same matching outfit as him is now stuck in his head.

"You two look like a couple ahahaha!" Even Hueningkai jokingly said statement is roaming around his mind now. Soobin you better get a grip on yourself.

You are just weirded out by the fact that you two matched.

That's IT!

"Hyung, you seem to be zoning out way too much today." Hueningkai voice caught his attention now. He just sighed not even having any energy to argue back because one he was actually right. And two, he better shut his mouth because he might say something stupid again like that day.

"You are not even denying it? Damn That's something new." Hueningkai chuckled at the older who just groaned.

"URGH Stop now!" Soobin said burying his face inside the pillow lying on the sofa, Hueningkai now had an amused face expression on.

"Fine fine, I am sparing you for today. You look tired now." The younger roommate said seeing the tired and exhausted looking face of the older. Soobin just sighed in relief hearing this.

Thank God.

"Thanks you are caring sometimes, gosh" Okay now, Hueningkai was offended.

"YAH! WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT? HYUNG?" Soobin only laughed while quickly rushing towards his room being fully successful in triggering the younger.

Hueningkai just rolled his eyes mumbling a 'Tskk this hyung.'

Jokes aside, Hueningkai had something to say to Soobin about today. But he just backed off for now refraining himself from talking about that topic.

Because Hueningkai wasn't so blind or dense to see the visible changes in the attitude of Soobin.

Ever since he started taking those tutoring sessions.

He was ever so suspicious about the older because his attitude also changed slightly towards the older male with glasses. Sure he still had his blunt personality, but there are some highlights and changes too.

But then again, Hueningkai couldn't associate the term Feelings or love with His older roommate.

According to him, The older didn't have the slightest idea on how this things work.

"I will see him later." Hueningkai thought to himself before going to his own room freshening up and wanting to meet his comfy bed.


It was already the next day. Soobin being done with today's half day was going to the library as usual.

Today instead of 4 O'clock, Yeonjun said to him to go the library at 3 O'clock. And well, the younger did exactly that. He as usual spotted the elder male reading his book at the table. Taking his steps he went near the older male.

"Hyung I am here." Yeonjun looked up with a small smile and just nodded signing him to sit down as he almost immediately closed the book he was reading.

✓ Tint Of My Autumn [Yeonbin]Where stories live. Discover now