🍁ᥴꫝꪖρꪻꫀ᥅: ꫀꪶꫀꪜꫀꪀ🍁

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Yeonjun was in his room scribbling with his pen. No he is not studying.

He is just scribbling down nonsense, his mood switched off completely.

He was burning in anger and frustration. Every single time, he tries to have a nice and calm talk with his dad, it turns into something else. Now the elder's mind was repeatedly remembering the thing that happened just a few moments ago.

"Yeonjun I told you to quit this stupid tutoring. You are disobeying me now?"

Yeonjun's insides fumed up hearing this. What does he want actually? Always have his nose stuck inside those books? Still taking a deep breath, he said-

"Dad, how is tutoring stupid to you? Isn't it sharing knowledge with everyone? You know sharing knowledge increases your own wit-

"Stop right there. I said what I said. Now go and study."

Yeonjun clenched his fist hearing this. He just came from outside feeling tired and all exhausted. Now, his dad is again telling him to study. When he should at least once tell him to rest a bit?

"If doing what I like is disobeying you, then it is. I am not quiting this."

The elderly man who heard looked at the younger boy feeling anger rush to his veins.

"Come Back HERE! Choi Yeonjun!"

Yeonjun's mom who was standing just beside them immediately panicked. She rushed to her husband wanting to control this situation. On the other hand, Yeonjun stomped to his room and slammed his door shut making a loud sound.

The older sighed feeling the grip on his pencil loosening up and his shoulders just plopped downwards. As he was thinking about this stuff, his door squeaked open a bit. Yeonjun took a glance and saw his mom coming inside quitely.

"Dear, take some rest. You don't have to study 24/7. I want my baby to be healthy. Hmm."

The next second, he was enveloped with a warm motherly embrace, a gentle hand patting his head. Yeonjun of course didn't resist the soft hug of his mother and just let him sink himself in the warmth.

A mother's hug is all one needs after a long tiring day.

"Mom, Am I not doing good?"

"SHH! What are you saying? Of course you are doing great. My baby is always the best. Don't pressure yourself."

"But why dad-

"I will handle him okay? Don't worry about this matter. Now close this books and take some rest."

Mrs. Choi herself closed all the open notebook, books and dragged her son to the bed making him sit there.

"Want some coffee? Should I make a glass for you?" She asked with a smile, while Yeonjun's eyes sparkled up hearing the offer. He immediately nodded his head saying-

"Yes yes. Thank you!"

"Right there. And don't you dare touch those books. Take rest. Let your brain rest dear."

Yeonjun couldn't help but laugh at his mom's silly and funny words while watching here quickly leaving the room to bring him his coffee. To be honest, Yeonjun was feeling so bad a bit ago, but now he felt light. Although, he didn't do anything or say anything. His mother just came and cheered him up indirectly.

Yeonjun just smiled a little, grabbing his phone wanting to scroll through the SNS for a while.

This actions are more than enough to make a down one perk up cheerfully.

✓ Tint Of My Autumn [Yeonbin]Where stories live. Discover now