🍁ᥴꫝꪖρꪻꫀ᥅: ꪀ꠸ꪀꫀꪻꫀꫀꪀ🍁

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Yeonjun now despite holding a text book in his hand had his mind stuck on somewhere else.

'Thank you... Hyung.'

He shut his eyes taking in a deep breath burying his face in the book, unwantedly his heart starting to accelerate. To say that, Yeonjun was happy that he could get someone like Soobin to trust him, to rely on him was an understatement.

Sure he was happy.

But he was also confused on how weird he felt when Soobin lightly hugged him.

Of course in a positive manner.

He couldn't even imagine that, Soobin will initiate something like this.

Okay Yeonjun you were thinking too much.

He just hugged you out of gratefulness.

Heck it wasn't even a proper hug.

What is he thinking anyways?

He sighed heavily taking off his glasses before going to the washroom and splash some water on his face feeling that soothing coldness of the water take over his skin.

Getting out from the washroom the older kept aside those unnecessary thoughts after trying so hard.

'Yeonjun what's wrong with you? Why can't you focus? It's not normal at all.'

Yeonjun's thoughts were cut off when a knock on his door was heard.

"Yeah? Oh Mom?" The older saw that his mother was peeking through the door gap with a light smile coming inside.

"What are you doing hun?" The elder woman asked ruffling the boy's hair affectionately. Yeonjun softly smiled before replying-

"Have a small quiz tomorrow. Just looking through the topics."

"Ohh That's good. So how is it going?"

"Not the best." Yeonjun answered honestly shaking his head a bit making the elder woman frown a bit.

"Oh what's wrong though? Can't understand any topic or something?"

"No no, it's not like that. Just.... Can't focus."

The male said looking away sighing at the same time. After a moment of silence, the woman laughed a bit shaking her head making the younger boy confused.

"Mom? Are you gonna scold me now?"

"Aishh if I would scold you then why will I laugh? Anyways. It's okay You know. Not all the time you can focus on something. Trust me, your mom knows this thing the best." Yeonjun chuckled by how light heartedly she said this. Because maybe it was right.

"Take a break of 5-10 minutes then go back to your work. Simple."

"I mean sure? Who doesn't like breaks?"

"RIGHT!" The woman said with a funny tone. After a few minutes, the elderly women left his room giving some time to the boy to relax and take a moment of fresh air out from the studious world.

In this type of moments, Yeonjun truly felt grateful that he had someone like his mom beside him.

He would share every little to little details about him with his mother.

Now that he was left alone in his room again, his mind again drifted off to something else like it was set up like that.

Confusion only.

✓ Tint Of My Autumn [Yeonbin]Where stories live. Discover now