🍁ᥴꫝꪖρꪻꫀ᥅: ꪻ᭙ꫀꪀꪻꪗ ᦓ꠸᥊🍁

406 32 27

Yeonjun who came out of his room all dressed up ready for his usual university day. But he noticed that he wasn't seeing his father anywhere.

"Mom?" He called out the elderly woman just at a few steps ahead of him.

"Yeah?" Mrs. Choi who was arranging the table stopped her work temporarily before turning around to her son.

"Where is dad?"

"Oh honey, he actually left for abroad just a few hours ago."

"Wait really? Where though?"

"Tokyo dear." Yeonjun sighed feeling a tad bit disappointed that he wasn't aware of his father's sudden departure for another country. But he won't complain anyways.

"I see.. okay. I am leaving now. Bye mom." He hugged his mom and just quitely left the house. While, Mrs. Choi who didn't say anything just watched her son leaving with an obvious hint of sadness and disappointment.

Obviously she noticed his face expression change.

"I feel bad for him..." She just thought to herself before busying herself in her works and other chores.

Time Skip~
Currently a very excited puppy alike male called Beomgyu was telling the elder male about an excited news.

"Hyunggg! Do you know there is gonna be a small concert at our university campus today?" Yeonjun who sipped in his sweet cold Americano just looked at the other male amused.

"Really? A concert??"

Beomgyu just cutely nodded excitedly jumping around here and there.

"Yes YESS! This concert will be performed by a small boy group from our neighboring university students who will graduate out soon. Most likely the last year students."

Yeonjun couldn't help but chuckle feeling the contagious positive energy of the latter creeping to him as well.

"That's a great thing. I never went to a concert Soo... I don't have any idea about it."

"BROO, we can just go there right? The whole university is going. And thanks to the uni premises, they allowed the students a half day only for today just for the concert." Yeonjun's eyes widened hearing this feeling quite surprised.


"Wait that means our classes for today were only until lunch break?"

"Uh Huh!! You got it! So we are going there. Even Hueningkai, Soobin and Taehyun are going."

Yeonjun now grinned a bit hearing an extra name that probably Beomgyu himself didn't realize that he spoke it out loudly.

"Taehyun huh?"

Yeonjun pretty much noticed how rapidly Beomgyu's face turned mushy and red just as the realization hit him that he exposed himself. The elder laughed being satisfied by the reaction he got and shook his head.

"Geez... You sure are whipped for that guy. Do call him for a hangout with us one day you know Beom?"

"Are you teasing me?"

"What's your definition of teasing? Depends on what you take the proposal as." Yeonjun playfully grinned giving a sneaky face expression that just earned him it's and bits of curses and eye roll.

✓ Tint Of My Autumn [Yeonbin]Where stories live. Discover now