Chapter 39

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I came home-I never meant back to college. Tears were continuously pouring down my cheek as I tried hard not to cry out loud in case somebody heard me. I haven't done the pregnancy test yet because I'm scared. I don't want a child at this age. What am I going to do, who's going to support me? Colton would run away if he hears that he's going to be a father, we're both too young to go through something like this. We used protection, I remember that night-it was like yesterday. A loud knock on my door makes me jump a little as I quickly start to wipe my tears.

"Y-yeah?" I ask loudly so my voice doesn't come out shaky.

"Can I come in?" Mum. What's mum doing here? Making sure all of my tears were wiped I clear my throat and get off the bed. Going to the door I open it to reveal mum standing there with a smile on her face-she's acting very nice today.

"Come in" I tell her. She walks past me and enters the room. I shut the door behind the both of us as I walk back so I can sit on the bed. She sits beside me and starts to smooth out my hair.

"What's the matter Snow?" She asks me gently. I look straight ahead at the wall and let her comfort me. Mum's not normally like this but whatever's making her act like this is fine by me.

"Nothing mum-I'm fine" I tell her.

"I know you aren't just fine. Ever since you came home you've had this face on you. Did you and Emily have a fight?" She asks. I wanted to laugh that one out. I still haven't told mum about me and Emily not being friends anymore so I might as well tell her now.

"Me and Emily aren't friend's anymore mum"

"Oh darling, when did this happen?"

"At the beginning of college, she was just always after boys and I just felt like she loved being with boys more than me"

"Well at least you've got that new friend of yours. Your father was telling me about her, what was her name again.....Camilla?"

"Candice mum" Mum laughed a little and nodded her head.

"That's right, Candice. Tell me what's wrong Snow" She put her hands on either sides of my shoulder and made me face her.

"I couldn't even if I tried" I tell her. She furrows her eyebrows together and rubs my arm up and down in a comfortable way.

"I'm your mother Snow. You can tell me anything, don't be afraid" Suddenly my tears came out of nowhere making mum look at me in shock. "Snow, sweetheart what happened?" She enveloped me in her arms as I cry out on her shoulder while holding her tightly against me.

"Everything's wrecked up mum and I'm scared....I don't know what to do" Mum pulled me away from her and took hold of my hands.

"Tell me what happened Snow"

"I.....I met a guy" I tell her. I might as well build it up and then tell her otherwise she'll probably kill me without hearing the story out. She raises her eyebrows at me and just stares.

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