Chapter 33

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Awkward silence. Those are the only two words I can say to describe this dinner….which is surprising considering Mr McAvoy is here right now with us. I know, I know, how did he get here? Well, the card he told me to give dad was an invitation from mom to call him over and he gladly accepted it. I would have expected Mr McAvoy to say some sassy comment but that wasn’t even happening this dinner party.

“So Vincent….just to let you know….Snow is an excellent student” Mr McAvoy said from next to me while giving me a smile, I return it by giving him a small one.

“Thank you for letting me know Andrew” Dad replied back in a monotone voice. I look at dad to see he was giving Mr McAvoy a fake smile. Please don’t do this dad, I really don’t want Mr McAvoy to get pissed off and spill the beans about me and Colton.

“Now now Vincent, no need for the fake emotions” Mr McAvoy said with a wide smile on his face. Great, looks like this conversation is going to turn into an argument. Dad was clearly amused by Mr McAvoy’s suggestion as he burst out laughing making us all stare at him like he’s gone mad. “Now come on I’m sure what I said wasn’t that hilarious” Mr McAvoy said a little loudly in order for dad to hear over his laughter. Dad calmed down and raised his eyebrows at Mr McAvoy as he took a sip out of his red blooded wine.

“Oh but you are funny Andrew, please carry on enlightening me with your sarcastic comments” Dad said with a smile which was a little too wide for my liking.

“Look….Vincent…I’m just trying to be nice” Mr McAvoy said tiredly. Looking over at dad he seemed amused by Mr McAvoy’s comment because his smile wasn’t replaced by a frown.

“Oh really now? Because each time you try to be nice, some kind of bullshit comes out of your mouth one way or another!” Dad screamed. Why can’t this dinner just be peaceful instead of it being an argument? To make the situation even worse my phone started ringing, my eyes immediately widened as I still concentrate on dad.

“Snow, take it outside!” He yelled a little too loudly. Straightaway I get up from my chair and leave the dining room. Looking down at the screen; it was Colton’s name which appeared up. My depressing mood instantly turned into a joyful one as I picked the phone up.

“Hey” I say in a sing song voice.

“Someone seems a little too happy” Colton replied back with a laugh. I bit my bottom lip as I enter the kitchen which Rosalinda was in.

“Well hearing your voice makes me happy” I say in a whisper. I don’t want Rosalinda to hear what I’m saying to Colton as it’s very embarrassing but I didn’t do a good job by hiding it as Rosalinda started making kissing faces at me. I stick my tongue out at her as Colton laughs at the other end of the phone.

“And here I thought I was cheesy” He said offensively.

“Oh you’re still cheesy, you’ve just rubbed it of on me” I warn him.

“Well that’s what you get for enjoying my cheesiness” He replied back. I rolled my eyes and sat on the counter as I watch Rosalinda make dessert like the pro she is. “Anyway, I was thinking ever since tomorrow your parents and mine are going on a business trip you’d like to come over to my house” Colton said. Wait, business trip? What business trip? Dad nor mom never mentioned no sort of business trips to me.

“Colton what are you talking about?” I asked him feeling confused.

“You know I sort it was a good idea. It’s the weekend we can spend more time together” Colton tells me.

“Colton…my dad never mentioned no sort of a business trip to me yesterday” I tell him. This seems to also catch Rosalinda as she looks at me with raised eyebrows. She mouths me a ‘what’ and I motion for her to hold on.

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