Chapter 2

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 I saw a line of students standing by a door; I'm guessing that's the reception. I went and stood behind a girl with curly blonde hair and  was also fairly short. I'm really good with making new friends so I should say hi. I tapped her on the shoulder; she turned around and smiled at me. Her brown eyes shining really bright with happiness/

"Hey" I say shortly to her.

"Hi" She said back enthusiastically. I gave her a smile; I like her so far, I guess we will be good friends.

"My name is Candice Monroe" She said taking my hand from my side and shaking it. I tried hard not to freak out. Ok, she is a touchy person I'm guessing. To show her I was happy meeting her I shook her hand back politely.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Snow Jewel" I said letting go of her forcing hand on mine. She nodded her head and gave me a big wide smile. By the time I knew it the line finished and Candice was still standing their nodding her head and smiling at me.

I gave her a nervous smile and looked at the receptionist trying to signal her to help me but by the looks of it she couldn't even care less.

"Um.......Candice it's your turn" She snapped out of her gaze and turned around. I sighed and took out a deep breath. I wonder where Emily is gone I haven't even seen her around yet. Once Candice was done I went to the receptionist. 

"What's your name darling" The hunched back receptionist asked.

"Snow Jewel" She nodded her head and began flicking through some paper's until she handed me a key-ring with a neck strap and a booklet. I took it from her and went to stand by Candice. "What are we supposed to do with this key-ring with our Id on it?" I asked her. I looked at her and realized she had clipped the key-ring onto the neck strap and put it around her neck. "I'm an idiot sometimes" I said to her reading my thoughts aloud. She chuckled lightly while I was putting the neck strap around well my neck.  "So what courses did you pick then?" I asked her. She started thinking and then looped her arm through mine forcing me to walk with her. 

"I chose science, media studies, maths, after school gym and creative writing" I nodded my head. I can't believe she chose science and maths out of all subjects but she must really enjoy it. "What about you? What did you chose?" She asked me. I told her what I chose making her jump around. "Awesome! It looks like you're in two of my subjects, we'll get our time table from our tutors and meet each other there then" She said looking at the clock which was ahead of the hallway. 

"Looks like I've got to go to my form class" I said to her. She gave me a sad smile and un-surprised me by giving me a big, tight crushing hug with all her power and might, I find myself awkwardly patting her back until she pulled away.

I met my form teacher already so I know what class I'm in and the directions. It was actually really close right now just one corner to my left and I'm there. People barged past me as they started going to their lessons as well.

I turned the corner and saw a bunch of guy's and girl's standing outside the classroom door. I looked down and began making my way to the cue. They were all too busy talking too even notice me, I hope I make good friends in this class.

I stood against the walls and soaked in the annoying conversations they were having, especially the girls. They were talking about boys. Great, I'm stuck with the popular group then,how amazing. In secondary I wasn't popular and I wasn't unknown, I was in between. 

"Hey you in this class?" I heard someone say making me break out of my thoughts. I looked up and saw a guy, he looks really cute. His brown hair was sticking up at the top of his head from gel; he had dark brown eyes and a black stud in his right ear. He even dressed cutely with a tight fitting black t-shirt and brown chinos.

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