Chapter 42

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"So you're really pregnant then?" Damien asks for the fourth time.

"Yes she is Damien, now shut up" Colton said in an angry tone. I never went home, me, Colton and Damien decided to go to the park.

"Someone's panties are in a twist" Damien replies back. Colton looks back at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Panties? Damien, we're British we don't say the word panties" He tells him. Damien rolls his eyes and puts his head on Colton's lap.

"But babe, I'm half Swedish so I can say what I want"

"Yeah you're Swedish, not American"

"Ok Sherlock. Maybe when you fell off that building you lost your brain along the way" Damien gets up and moves so he can sit next to me. Colton gets up from the grass and starts walking away from us.

"Damien. Me and Colton are really stressed out right now, I don't think it's really time for any jokes" I warn him.

"It's not my fault you guys decided to have sex" He tells me. I feel my cheeks heat up. Damien has no shame whatsoever.

"Damien, really?"

"Yes really. Didn't you use protection or something?"

"Damien. I really don't want to be talking about this with you" I say sternly. Leaning my back against the tree I watch Colton looking up at the sky in his thoughts.

"Ok, I'm sorry. But, can we please talk baby names?" He pleads with me.

"Damien, no"




"Shut up!"

"I can't shut up if you won't shut up"


"More serious than I've ever been"

"Why do you want to talk baby names for?"

"Because, you and Colton are going to have the cutest baby in the world. I mean, obviously mine and Colton's would have been way cuter but oh well" He says to me. I look at him with a blank face while he smirks at me.

"Darling, I didn't mean to offend you" He says in a high pitched voice.

"Oh you never offended me, you just scared the living hell out of me"

"It's simple you know. This is how two guys can have a baby together. They just have to get th-"

"Baby names it is Damien" I say cutting him off. He claps his hands together and rests his head on top of my shoulder.

"I've already got a list of girl names in my head" He confesses.


"I was thinking Cinderella, Belle, Aurora, Ariel, Jasmine, Tiana, Rapu-"

"Are you just naming me Disney princesses?"

"Well duh. You're Snow as in Snow White so we need to name the little one a princess as well" He says to me.

"Could you get any weirder?"

"And I've got a couple of boy names in my head as well" He says completely ignoring my question.

"Which are?"

"I was thinking along the lines of Eric, Aladdin, John Smith, John Rolfe, Naveen, Kris-"

"Stop naming me Disney princes" I take my back of against the tree and look at Damien with a glare. "Are you obsessed with Disney or are you obsessed?"

"Only when I got to know you Miss Snow White" He says with a wink.

"Snow Jewel, Damien. My name is Snow Jewel"

"And a jewel is equivalent to white"

"It's nowhere near. A jewel is clear not white"

"But it can be taken to be white" Oh my goodness, I need Colton.

"Let's go to Colton" I tell him. He happily agrees as he takes my hand in his. We reach Colton and he looks at us.

"Colton" I say. He comes towards me and puts his arm around my shoulder.

"Snow, who else knows about this?" He asks me.

"You, my mum, Damien, the college nurse and Mr...." Do I tell him that Mr McAvoy knows? He looks at me with a patient look on his face.

"Mr who Snow?"

"Mr McAvoy and his girlfriend?" Beside me Damien lets out a hurling scream while putting his hands on his ears. I move closer to Colton as we both watch Damien on his knees.

"Dude, what the hell?" Colton says.

"He has a girlfriend?" He asks with a sad look on his face.

"Not girlfriend, I meant fiancé" Damien lets out another loud scream causing some attention from a few people around us.

"I thought he loved me" Damien gets up from the ground and runs away.

"Should we call him?" Colton asks me with worry.

"Let him be. Damien is Damien" I say without a worry.

"How does Mr McAvoy and his girlfriend know about this?" He asks me.

"I felt sick during his class and he followed me saying that I might be pregnant. That day when I fought with Damien in class and left...I...I went to the pharmacy and the pharmacist there just so happened to know who I was when I told her about me and you, she told me she was Mr McAvoy's fiancé"

"We need to sort it all out. We need to find a way to tell my parents and your father"

"How are we going to do it?"

"We need to plan a meeting first" He states.

"A meeting, with who?"

"It's time I confront your mum. We need to get your mum, me, you, Damien, Forrest, Candice, Mr McAvoy and his girlfriend together. We need to do this" He informs me. I nod my head and put my arms around his warm body.

"I just hope everything goes to the way we want it"

"It will, don't worry"

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