Chapter 45

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"Do you think my dad will ever forgive me?" I ask Rosalinda. She gives me a tight smile while cutting up some fruit.

"I don't know Snow; I've never seen your dad like this before" She replies back. It's been two days since the party and I haven't even seen dad. He's either at the office or locked up in his room. Mum told me that he doesn't even talk to her.

"I need to talk to him. There has to be a way I can talk to him" I say to myself out loud. How can I? My eyes flick towards Rosalinda as she starts arranging dad's breakfast- that's it. "Let me go and give that to dad" I inform her. Getting up from my chair I walk towards her.

"Snow, I will do it. Your father will be angry at me" She says with a tiny voice.

"Rosalinda, don't worry. I will make sure you still have your job" She bites down on her lip while looking between me and dad's breakfast.

"You better keep your word" I give her a quick hug and take dad's breakfast. Walking up the stairs I walk towards dad's room- here goes nothing. I knock on the door with my free hand and wait for dad to call me in.

"Come in" He replies back. Opening the door I peek my head through to see dad sitting on his bed with the laptop

"Just set it down on the table for me Rosalinda" He says to me.

"Dad" I manage to croak out. He immediately looks up at me with a sad look on his face.

"I don't want to see your face, get out" He tells me. I make my over to his bed and set the plate on the table.

"Dad, I'm your daughter- you need to hear me out" Getting on my knees I take the laptop away from him. "I know that you hate me and you probably want to kill me but I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I didn't want to go out with Colton but I just liked him so much and every day I felt guilty....guilty because I was keeping such a big secret from you. I don't blame you if you hate me but please talk to me" I plead with him. I feel a sob threatening to arise but I try and keep it back.

"I...I don't hate you Snow, I can never hate you" He informs me.

"Then why are you locked up in your room?"

"I'm disappointed in you. Why didn't you tell me about yours and the boy's relationship in the first place?"

"I was scared that, I was scared that you were going to take him away from me" Dad lets out a sigh and takes my hand in his.

"I know where you're coming from but I still had the right to know and I'm even disappointed when I found out that you're..." He looks down at my stomach and his left speechless. A tear spills out making me cry out loud.

"I'm an idiot, I'm reckless and I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for being a disappointment dad" Dad gets me up from the ground and wraps me in his arms.

"Don't worry princess, I am here to help you go through this" He assures me.

"Dad, I have a scan today" I confess to him. Taking myself out of his arms I wipe my tears "I want you to be there beside me" I say. He opens his mouth but no words come out so all he does is nod his head as a yes.

"I'm sorry dad" I say one last time. He comes towards me and runs a hand through my hair.

"I'm not happy about what you did but you're my daughter- your mistakes are my mistakes" He gives me a smile and tells me to sit down next to him. I tell him the whole story, the story of how me and Colton met along with Damien. I told him the story of me falling for the risk.

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