Chapter 23

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And I wish you could give me the cold shoulder….and I wish you could still give me a hard time….and I wish I could still wish it was ove-

“Come on Snow Mr Jensen is calling us” Damien said making me break out of my thoughts, which was stuck with the song ‘If you ever come back’. Sighing to myself I ran after Damien as boredom hit me straight away. Why did I ever pick Gym after college for?

“OK EVERYBODY LET’S GO!” Mr Jensen yelled loudly at all of us. He wants us to go around the different activities in the hall and just measure the results we get with a partner and obviously my partner is none other than Damien himself.

“Ok Snow where do you want to go first?”

“Up your ass” I replied sarcastically.

“Well that’s impossible shouldn’t it be the other way round”

“Damien I was being sarcastic”

“I know but I’m just trying to prove a point”

“And your point is correct now come on before Mr Jensen hits you in the balls….with his balls”

“No I don’t want that” Damien said in a high tone.

“Is there a problem here Snow and Damien” Mr Jensen said while he was coming towards us. Girls in the college had a thing for him because apparently he looked like Dean from Supernatural; he is fit but still ewww.

“No sir. No problem at all” Damien responded back in a high pitched voice. At this specific moment I had the urge to just laugh at the reaction of Damien’s face because it looked like he was about to shit his pants causing the atmosphere in the room to just suck up.

“Then I suggest you get started with all of your activities and if I see that you’re not doing anything I’ll set up a detention for you with Mr McAvoy” He said in a very relaxed tone as he watched Damien who’s eyes were wide as saucepans. “Am I understood?” He told him. Damien nodded his head, as Mr Jensen walked away to the other groups. Facing towards Damien I let out a little laugh as I tapped his hard chest.


“But it’s not fair!”

“How dare you raise your voice?!”


“You better be”

“But it’s still not fair”

“I don’t care. Tomorrow after school you will go to Mr McAvoy for detention and then we’ll see if you’ve redeemed yourself”

“This is so not fair” Damien said complaining to me as we walked out of the building. The breath of the wind was tickling my skin as it made my hair flow in different directions. We did end up finishing our activities but Damien didn’t have enough time to finish of completing the last sheet which is why he has earned himself a detention with Mr McAvoy.

“I know. I’m sorry Damien” I whispered sympathetically.

“I hate Mr Jensen; don’t know why we couldn’t have another teacher. I swear this college is just messed up, I have no idea why I wanted to come here!” Damien held his head up and was yelling at the sky as strangers from afar stared at Damien weirdly.

“Damien you’re embarrassing yourself” I told him as I saw that people were still looking as we had stopped in our tracks. Damien turned towards me and showed off a sad face as he looked like he was about to just cry. “Hey are you ok?” I asked when concern hit me. Looking towards me, he gave me a sad look.

“No I’m not ok”

“Come on it’s just a detention he isn’t going to rape you or anything”

“But he can!”

“He won’t Damien. Trust me. He can’t, there will be security camera’s in the classroom he wouldn’t even think about doing anything stupid”

“Fine, I get your point”

“Good. Look Damien Mr McAvoy is crazy but he wouldn’t do something that stupid” I said making sure he understood what I was saying. He sighed and began walking again. The audience we had now went away thankfully.

“Let’s just go home and I’m really upset that you’re not coming to the Halloween party” Damien said giving me a stern look. I wanted to laugh at the confession he just made. All this time I was asking him for an excuse on why I should go but no he would rather go after those girls.

“Well it’s a bummer then” I replied back. Damien nodded his head and went both quietly made our way back to home. Obviously as usual I went before Damien in case someone was looking through the door. Knocking on the door of the house Rosalinda opened it with a welcoming smile.

“Good afternoon. How was gym?” She asked once I entered the house and the natural smell of vanilla and lavender roamed around the house, making me feel welcomed like always.

“It was ok. Damien ended up getting a detention for not finishing of all of the activities” I told her while smiling. She laughed and shook her head while walking inside.

“Is there anything you want to eat?” She asked me.

“ I’m good. I’m going to go upstairs and take a shower first. I smell of sweat” I told her.

“Ok you do that” Giving her a smile I walked up the long stairs making me complete more of my daily exercise. Reaching to my bedroom opening the door I locked it behind me dumping my bag on the ground and walking towards my closet to take out some fresh night clothes. This was a sky blue cotton shirt and pyjamas. Taking it out I walked into the bathroom also locking that behind me and swiftly stripping out of my sweaty clothes. Switching on the shower, I put my hand at the middle of the running water to see the water was Luke warm. Feeling satisfied stepping into the shower I let it run all over my body and head as I soaked up all of the stress that I was feeling due to college.

(20 minutes later)

“Snow can you please come downstairs” I heard dad yell all the way from downstairs. He didn’t sound angry but happier other than that. What seems to have dad in such a happy mood? Opening my bedroom door I started to walk downstairs and see that dad was at the bottom of the stairs. He saw me and smiled.

“Dad why did you call me for?” I asked him

“Well guess what?”


“I invested in the other business and I now own it as well” He told me. A smile spread on my face hearing this happy news. Dad’s been trying to get this big business for a long time and now he does.

“Oh my god! Congratulations” I told dad while patting his hand. He ruffled my hair and went past me into the living room-probably to tell mom. Looking into the kitchen I could a few movements; I’ll just go and talk to Rosalinda.

“Rosalinda you in here?” I ask when I step in the kitchen. Rosalinda turned around from the cabinets and gave me a small smile.

“Is there anything you want Snow?” She asked me. Walking further the thought of going to the Halloween party filled my head. I really want to go to it and I haven’t even got an excuse. Rosalinda seems to be my only source of hacks left.

“Well there’s this Halloween party” I tell her, she looks around and raise her eyebrows at me but going back to doing her work.


“And….I was wondering whether you would be kind enough to give me a good excuse so I can go” This time she fully turned around and crossed her arms over her chest smirking at me.

“Well your father gave me the weekend of so I can say that I want to take you with me” She told me. My face spread into a smile as I went over to hug her. She laughed and tapped my back. Letting go of her I did a small happy dance. I get to see Colton there and we might even dance and OH MY GOD……what am I even going to wear on for the party. Looking at Rosalinda she smirked and raised her eyebrow.

“I don’t know what I’m going to wear on” I tell her. She sighs and begins to tap her head and suddenly after a few seconds whizz past her eyes gleam.

“I have the perfect costume”

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