Chapter 35

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The tension in this room was absolutely amazing. Well, for me and Colton it was. After Colton and Forrest had their stupid wrestling match Damien came over so we could all celebrate Colton’s birthday together. Right now…Damien and Forrest were having the most intense glaring competition well for Forrest it was glaring however, for Damien it was more like checking out. This isn’t really helping Damien when he said to us he wasn’t gay at all-he secretly is.

“Stop staring at me” Forrest says to Damien calmly.

“You stop staring at me. I know I’m good looking at all but, please, you’re making me blush” Damien replies back. Colton laughs from beside me but I just simply roll my eyes. Oh Colton, you laugh at almost anything Damien does-I don’t know why.

“The only reason I’m staring at you right now is because I’m trying to figure out if you are queer or not” Damien starts to laugh and slaps Forrest across the cheek in a playful way.

“I’ll turn queer for you if you want” Damien winks at Forrest and is about to lean forward to him but Forrest reacts quickly and gets up to sit down next to me.

“Colton really? This is what you found for a friend?” Forrest asks in a confused voice while looking Damien who was too busy throwing seductive faces at Forrest and whispering God knows what to him from across the sofa.

“Well he isn’t like this with me, he just has a thing for you” Colton replies back. “Don’t worry his girlfriend is coming over soon as well” Colton said while putting his arm around my shoulders and placing a gentle kiss on my cheek. Felling myself go a little red I face him as he gives me a small wink as well.

“Alright I’ve already had enough of this gay boy across the sofa so please don’t fuck yourselves on the sofa as well” Forrest said in disgust.

“Who you calling a gay boy?” Damien asks in a high pitched voice. Forrest smirks at him and gets comfortable in his seat.

“You. I was calling you that gay boy” Damien gets up and stands where he is.

“You want to say that again?”

“I don’t want to have to repeat myself gay boy”

“You know you sound hot when you speak like that” Damien tells him. Suddenly, I burst out laughing along with Colton as we take in Forrest’s facial expression. He looks so disgusted that it’s not even a joke.

“I thought you said he had a girlfriend” Forrest asks Colton accusingly. Colton nods his head as he still laughs. “Look, just don’t piss me off gay boy I am in a relationship myself as well you know” Forrest tells him. Ok, it’s either Forrest is lying to get Damien off his chest or he is telling the truth but no one told me that he even had a girlfriend.

“Finally you took your time to admit it” Damien said excitedly. He turns towards us and claps his hands together with a tight smile on his face. “I asked Forrest out and he said yes” I started to laugh again which made my stomach hurt.

“Wow congratulations dude I never knew you were gay” Colton says to Forrest who has his mouth open making it look like his jaw is about to fall off onto his lap.

“That-that…he…what the hell!?!”

“It’s ok darling we both had to tell them in a way”


“Oh sweetheart how much times do I have to tell you not to call me gay boy. You know we start to fight about it”

“I swear gay boy if you don’t shut your mouth I’ll shut it for you”

“Now now, we know that isn’t the kind of language we should be using in front of these straight people. It’s only used in the bedroom” Damien winks at Forrest and sits back down on the sofa.

“One more funny remark gay boy then you’re dead!”

“Alright, looks like you don’t understand. Maybe I should say a few things to you then. You’re wearing pimpsels which makes you a pimp” Damien started laughing loudly like a retard making me and Colton laugh even more.

“Ow, Snow you’re clutching my arm to hardly” Colton said from beside me in pain but with laughter still coming out of his mouth.

“S-sorry Colton. I..I can’t help it” I say as we both start to laugh like dogs.

“You guys this isn’t funny you know!” Forrest screamed to us with a serious face. I could feel myself calm down as I take a few deep breaths to make sure I don’t laugh again.

“Sorry Forrest, we can’t help it. I mean look at the both of you….it’s hilarious” Colton said from beside me chuckling a little in his words as well. Forrest simply rolled his eyes at the both of us and just carried on glaring at Damien.

“Oh come on Forrest no need to get your panties in a twist” Damien said while pulling his cheeks. Forrest pulled away from him and got up from the sofa standing against the wall.

“Colton I wonder how you became friends with someone like him. You can do better! You…you have a girlfriend. A beautiful, amazing, talented and annoying girlfriend I don’t know why you feel the need to be friends with a gay like him!” Forrest shouts. Suddenly I don’t feel the need to say anything. Did Forrest really just say all of those things about me? He finds me beautiful, amazing, talented and…..ANNOYING?! How dare he find me annoying? I am not even annoying, let him just meet Candice then he’ll know who the annoying one from us is!

“Hey, don’t you dare look at my girl that way” Colton says in a joking manner towards his elder brother. Forrest scoffed and stayed in his position. “She’s only mine” Colton said in a whisper. Suddenly, I felt some chills run down through my spine making me feel something I’ve never felt before towards Colton….pleasure. I somehow felt pleased by the way he was talking about me and I…I liked it. I really liked it.

“How romantic” Damien says. I laugh at his response but my cheeks heat up at the same time as well.

“That is the exact definition of gay in the dictionary: Damien!” Forrest says trying to reason with me and Colton.

“Bro, Damien only acts like that for a joke. Calm down” Forrest looks like someone just slapped him in the face.

“Acts? Who the fuck decides to act like that for the fun of it? Fuck my life!”

“I’ll fuck you” Damien says.

“I swear to God I am leaving this house!”

“I’ll leave with you”

“No, no, you are not going to follow me or say another word”

“But babe I want to”

“Shut him up Colton”

“I’ll shut you up any day”

“I’m going to commit suicide. Tell mom and dad I love them”

“If you die how am I supposed to live without you?”

“Oh please. At least I’ll be in some peace”

“But I won’t”

“I don’t care”

“Maybe you should drink poison”


“So we can end our love story just like Romeo and Juliet”

“Right…..Colton tell mom and dad I love them” Forrest ran out of the door and Damien yelled after him.

“Run Forrest run!”

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