Chapter 8

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This has got to be the most tiring, boring and stupid party I've ever been to my whole life. All people are doing is talking about themselves, how self-centred and attention seeking. I'm sitting by a bar drinking glasses of coke while watching everyone. Mum and dad haven't even noticed that I've gone which is good because I'd have to talk to people which leads to kissing cheeks and awkward formal language- how horrible. The bar guy kept giving me pity looks, he must have thought that I got dumped by someone.

"Can I have a glass of clear wine please" I heard a guy's voice say from behind me. Wait, the guy sounds like Colton...but I could be imagining things maybe if I take a peek behind me. I turned around in my seat to see it was Colton. He doesn't know I'm looking at him because he is too concentrated on his phone. He looks cute when he is concentrating. His eyebrows are furrowed together and he has this small smile on his face. Awww, even his hair is adorable. It's sticking up in random directions; he must have ran his hand through it. Next thing I know green eyes are looking at me. He gives me a full smile showing of his dimples.

"Hi" He said through his blinding attraction. I gave him a small smile back and put a loose string of hair behind my ear.

"Hey" I say mumbling back.

"Your drink" I heard the bar man say. Colton looked at me and smiled again.

"That's your drink" He said. I realized what he said and got the drink from the bar man who was really annoyed. I took a big gulp of the drink and nodded at him. Once swallowing the liquid I opened my mouth.

"Do you want to sit down?" He looked at me and then nodded his head. He came and took the chair right next to me.

"So where's your boyfriend?" He asks.

"Boyfriend, who's my boyfriend?" I ask him. Don't say he thinks Damien is my boyfriend because that would be so weird and embarrassing.

"That Damien guy" Yep he said it. A chuckle escaped my lips as I shook my head.

"Damien isn't my boyfriend. We are just friends, we met today" His mouth turned into an 'o' shape. I looked straight to see mum and dad still talking. Maybe I shouldn't talk to Colton, they might see and then it would be my living death. "I'm sorry but I've got to go" I got up from the seat smoothing down the dress with my hands. From the corner of my eye I saw him get up as well. Looking over at him I gave him another grin.

"You look stunning by the way" He said looking me in the eye. I felt myself going hot knowing that I am blushing. Who wouldn't especially when a guy like Colton says you look nice.

"Thanks" I said to him.

"Well I guess I'll see you around college" He did something out of the blue- he winked at me before leaving. Someone pinch me I'm dreaming, oh my God. I am so going to one- absolutely no one. Times like these I wish I had Emily and even though she would give me a whole lecture on their must have been something inside of his eye, at least I told someone. I could always tell Damien. Yeah I could tell Damien, he is my friend now. I quickly sat back down on the chair taking my phone out of the purse. I switched it on and text Damien. He kept his username as 'that guy' I have no idea why

SnowLovesYou: Remember that guy Colton we met in photography class?

I got a message back instantly.

'ThatGuy': Thank god you replied back. I thought your parent's murdered you for finding out we were talking and yeah I remember.

I smiled at his message.

SnowLovesYou: Ha very funny :) My dad would murder you before me. LOL. Well I'm at the party right now, we talked and he winked at me. OMG

Again he replied back.

ThatGuy: Looks like you're in love ;) ;) (Wink, wink) But I have to meet this guy properly before handing you over in his hands.

I rolled my eyes and typed:

SnowLovesYou: I'm not an item you know. By the way don't get your hopes up, I don't exactly know if he likes me or not

ThatGuy: I'm still looking out for you though

There was a loud chiming noise. I looked up and saw a guy with a wine glass and a spoon touching against it gathering everyone's attention.

"It is now time to serve the food" He said in a posh tone. God what is with London people and talking so posh? I'm not even from here; I was born in France then moved here when I was ten years old. I guess it's from the area.

SnowLovesYou: Alright I got to go now it's time to go eat something, I am starving. Bye.

ThatGuy: Ok bye and remember to wait for me by the corner of the road.

SnowLovesYou: Don't worry, bye :)

I got up from my seat putting the phone back in the bag walking over to mum and dad. They were seated around a table with some next people. I went over and sat in the chair next to mum. All of them looked up and smiled at me.

"This is my daughter Snow" Dad said beaming up at me. I gave them all a small hello and looked around. Hopefully I'll spot Colton somewhere around here but I couldn't find one single blonde hair. I groaned in displeasure and leaned back in my chair.

"Who was that boy you were talking to earlier on?" Mum asks me. My eyes widened and heart picked up a beat. Fudge! Mum saw me talking to Colton, this is bad.

"Oh he was just um asking me where the directions to the toilets were." Mum looked at me suspiciously and then nodded her head. Phew, that was close!

"You're just lucky that your father didn't see that" Mum said looking back straight. Yeah I'm lucky that dad didn't see me.

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