Chapter 19

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It seemed to me that I just had a face that nobody listened. Why did I have to end up with a face like that? What did I do that was so wrong? See I’m such a loser I’m questioning myself.

“Snow get the dress on” Rosalinda told me as she gave me the long white dress.

“But I don’t want to” I complained back. She gave me fiery look saying don’t mess around with me. Gosh what’s up with her today? “Do I have to go; can’t I stay home with you?” I asked her.

“No you can’t. Look why don’t you just stop complaining do you really want to get into another fight with your parents? I’m sure you don’t so please just get ready. Your mom wants you downstairs in half an hour” And with that Rosalinda left the room. Looking down that the dress I picked it up and went over to lock the door. Here goes another boring party night.


“Oh look at you all grown up now” Some lady said as she looked me up and down. I gave her a small smile as she said hi to mom and dad. Stupid sophisticated people, stupid blimey party!

“Mom” I called. We’re still not talking but we are communicating…a bit.


“I need a toilet. Where is it?” I asked her. She looked around and pointed to the far end of the room. Great that’s going to be a long journey. Sighing I picked up a bit of my dress so it would be easier for me to walk in these heels I have on. Walking past people I made it to the other end as I saw the sign for the ladies toilet, pushing the door the smell of strong perfume hit me as I walked further and saw a bunch of ladies in their mid-thirties putting on lipstick or just powdering there face. They didn’t notice me which was good because normally I just get the stares from them. Going towards an open cubicle I went in there shutting the door behind me. Good thing the toilet was clean. Now here is the hard part.

(2 minutes later)

I flushed the toilet and un-locked the door and them ladies were still standing there. Get a life. Walking towards the sink I took the soap which was placed at the side and took hold of it as I opened the hot tap to get access to some water. Once I thoroughly washed my hands I took the nearby towel and wiped my hands. Picking up my dress again I walked out of the toilet without looking at those ladies. Finally!

Rambling out of the toilet the loud buzz of everybody talking hit my ears, opening the door I saw some guy’s back towards me who was blocking my way to go back to my parents.

“Excuse me?” I said loud enough for him to hear. He turned around and I noticed that it was Damien….in a SUIT?! He saw that it was me and smiled widely.

“Snow darling what you doing here?”

“I should be asking you the same thing”

“Well you just did”

“Damien seriously what are you doing here?”

“What do you mean what am I doing here? I’m here to party”


“As ever”

“I have to get back to my parents before I get in trouble” Damien’s eyes widened as he gave me thumbs up and let me walk past. Great I had someone to talk to and I just walked away from that chance. Fantastic! Just from here I could see dad running a hand through his golden blonde hair, he is obsessed with his hair he straightens it every morning that’s how much he loves it.

“Snow where did you go?” Dad asked once I got to them.

“I went to the restroom” I replied back. Dad nodded his head and took a sip of his red wine as his eyes glistened in humour of something someone had said which I don’t understand at all.

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