Chapter 20

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“Snow can you do me a favour?” Damien suddenly asked me. We were sitting in the cafeteria eating our lunch.

“Sure what is it?”

“Well there’s going to be someone’s funeral today and…that person was very close to me and I want you there to be with me”

“Of course I’ll be there for you. Whose funeral is it by the way?”

“It’s the funeral of the dog I killed” He said sadly. Glaring at him I took a bite out of my sandwich.

“That’s not a joke Damien. You killed him yourself and then threw him away with your uncle! Who’s a cop!”

“Geez you women, always overreacting on every single little thing”

“I should be overreacting! Just yesterday I find out you killed your own dog”

“You leave cuddles alone!”

“Well you sure did cuddle him….in the bag!”

“Snow if you’re going to act like this then I won’t eat lunch with you” Damien said.

“Fine but I bet you that once you walk out of this room you’ll have Candice standing in the corner with duct tape” His eyes widened as I said that.

“Whatever like I believe you” He said nervously.

“Fine if you do then why don’t you walk out of here then?” I said challenging him. He gulped and shifted in his seat.

“You’re not my mom I can stay seated here if I want to” He argued back. Scrunching the piece of cardboard box I stood up from my seat and waited for Damien to pick up his own rubbish. He stood up and followed me to the trash can.

“Snow” I heard someone say. Turning around I saw mine and Damien’s photography teacher standing there.

“Hey sir” I replied back.

“I just wanted to let you guys know that the coursework catch up is of today” He said.

“But why?” Damien asked.

“Well because I’ve got a meeting to go to which will be for an hour-don’t worry, I’ll let you guys know when the next one will be” He said before walking away.

“Hey ever since that’s off how about we go down for ice cream after school” Damien suggested. Sure Damien, right after I get someone to kill me.

“Damien that is the worst suggestion ever” I told him as we left and went outside the building letting the breath of fresh air hit us.

“Think about it. Your mommy and daddy think you’re in school but they don’t know that the thing got cancelled. So you can still come” He told me. He is right…I can still come but I don’t think that would be the wise thing to do and when dad does find out…the suffering I will get. Dad never talked to me once when we got home neither did mom.

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