Chapter 13

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Each time I saw Candice that day I always managed to run away from her, but one time unfortunately she caught up to me.


Me and Damien were leaning against the fences and looking at the water falling out of the rock. You're probably wondering how water can come out of a rock, well it's a waterfall sort of thing.

"There you are!"

"Oh my god!" I held onto Damien as Candice just popped up in front of both of us. I looked over at Damien as he looked shocked.

"You ran away from me last time Snow" Candice said still smiling.

"Let's dash one" Damien said leaning into my ear. I looked at his face and nodded my head. Grabbing hold of his hand I ran forward with him behind me.

"RUN FORREST RUN!!!" I heard Candice yell. Hey, that's my line.

*End of flashback*

"Will Candice ever leave us alone?" Damien asked me clearly irritated about the fact that we run away from her all the time.

"I don't know man but we'll have to keep on doing it" I told him truthfully.

"I'm not a man yet, I'm still a boy" Damien said to me loudly. I looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"Dude does it really matter?"

"Stop calling me dude!"

"Damien what are you five?"

"No I'm seventeen"

"Then maybe you should act your age then"

"Well maybe you should stop calling me man or dude, man"

"Why should I stop calling you man or dude when you just called me a man? I am clearly a girl Damien"

"I'm clearly a girl Damien" He said mimicking my voice. I pushed him slightly and drank some of my water.

"Fine ok. Whatever you say Snow White!" He said. I rolled my eyes and his nickname for me.

"Well my stop is here, got to go" We were around the corner. I was about to leave when Damien grabbed hold of my arm.

"Come to my house today" He said.

"Why?" I told him feeling really confused.

"Because I want to hang out with my friend a bit more" He said smiling at me.

"Damien I don't know, you know my mum will start asking me questions and I don't want to risk anything" Damien sighed and jumped in frustration letting go of my hand.

"You and your stupid mum" He said angrily.

"Damien I find that offensive, at the end of the day she still is my mum!" He rolled his eyes.

"Yeah well my dad is a dickhead I'm not complaining" He said defensively. Sighing I turned around. "Look come on just tell your mum you are staying over at Emily's house or something, it's not like you told your mum you and Emily aren't friends anymore" I was about to open my mouth but I shut it. That's true I haven't told mum about me and Emily but I still don't want to risk anything.


"Oh pretty please Snow" He said pouting his lips. I sighed and nodded my head. He jumped up in victory and gave me a quick hug.

"But I have to see what my mum says. If she says yes then I'll come out of the house straight away and if she says no then I'll phone or text you" He gave me a small smile and patted me on the back.

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