Chapter 37

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(3 weeks later)

“Please you guys, you need to stop with all of this PDAing” Damien shudders at us. I playfully slap Damien on the arm and give Colton one last peck on the lips.

“Just because you never got to kiss your girlfriend today” That’s right, Damien and Candice are finally going out. I was more than happy and had a feeling it was going to happen sooner than later.

“Oh shut up you princess”

“Damien…please…not again”

“What can’t take it princess?”

“I can take it you moron”

“Obviously you can’t because you’re arguing with me about it”

“You really need a slap, don’t you?”

“I think I do princess, I think I do”

“Colton please tell him to shut up!” I ask with a sad look on my face. Colton rolls his eyes and goes over to Damien as they start to fight while yelling out wrestling signatures-boys.

“Snow, get your ass in lesson” Who the hell just said that to me? Turning around to look at the owner of the voice I see it’s none other than Mr McAvoy and can I just say, I can now really see why all of the girls in the school are crazy about him. He is hot! I shouldn’t be saying this because half of me hates him, but, damn he looks fine today.

“R-right, I’ll get to lesson” I stutter out. He seems amused by my answer as he smiles widely at me before walking away.

“Damien Colton keep your hands to yourself!” Mr McAvoy yells out. Focusing my gaze back on my two boys I see Colton looking amused but Damien looking very scared. He still isn’t over Mr McAvoy

“Sorry Mr McAvoy please forgive me, I will get down on my knees and worship the ground you walk on if you let me live” Damien was on his knees and put his hand down as he was still rocking. Mr McAvoy suddenly laughed out loud and I felt him standing next to me.

“I will never forgive you Damien”

“Why Mr McAvoy, why?”

“I don’t know…maybe go fuck yourself” Mr McAvoy walked away leaving me, Colton and Damien to stand around awkwardly.

“Well…um…I should get to lesson before he thinks of ways to torture me as well” I tell this Colton more than Damien because Damien is too busy asking himself why Mr McAvoy chose him.

“I wish he wasn’t such a mean teacher, he looks like a cool dude”

“Everybody is different yet unique in their own way” I remind him. He nods his head vigorously agreeing with me.

“Just like you…right?” Looking away from his gaze, I try hard not to smile or laugh but end up losing.

“You act like this is the first time I’ve complimented you” Colton encircles his arms around my waist and makes sure there is no space between our bodies as I feel my cheeks beginning to flush.

“Because it seems too good to be true”

“I’m here to stay Snow, just remember that”

“I do and I always will”

“I know why Mr McAvoy still tortures me” Damien pipes in from nowhere into mine and Colton’s conversation. Me and Colton had to separate as Damien decides to invade my personal space by placing his hands on either sides of my shoulders.

“Why does he still torture you Damien?” I ask him. He smiles widely creeping me out a little and suddenly starts to laugh like a maniac. Looking over his shoulder I give Colton a panicked look.

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