Chapter 31

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“Snow!” I hear dad yell as I enter the house. His face is boiling red as there is steam coming out from either sides of his ear as he stops in front of me. The whole atmosphere changed from being welcoming and peaceful to completely tense.

“Yes?” I asked confused.

“Where were you?!” He asked me. Suddenly remembering I had detention and not telling dad I knew I was going to get into some big trouble.

“I was at detention I forgot to call you. Sorry dad” I tell him. He takes a deep breath but his face colour or expression hasn’t even changed yet.

“Why were you at detention? What did you do?” He asked in a much calmer voice. I only needed to say two words to make dad understand…

“Mr McAvoy” Dad scoffs as he rolls his eyes.

“Why did he give you detention for?” He asked me. Great going Snow, you can’t exactly tell your dad that you got detention for kissing your boyfriend. I felt really small next to dad as I didn’t find the right words to say.

“Snow…I’m waiting” Dad said making me break out of my nervous thoughts.


“You know what I’ll just phone Andrew myself” Dad said once he knew that he wasn’t going to get anything out of me. Dad began to walk away from me as my eyes widened.

“Dad no!” I say making him stop in his tracks. Dad turned around and faced his attention towards me waiting for an answer.

“What?” He asked.

“Mr McAvoy, he…um….thought that I said England wasn’t the greatest country in the world and got pissed off so he decided to keep me in for detention” I said at fast. Thank God I came up with something! Dad raised his eyebrows as he chuckled lightly.

“What an absolute weirdo” Dad said to himself.

“Dad, can I ask you something?” Dad nods his head as he rolls up the sleeves of his white buttoned shirt

“How do you know Mr McAvoy so well?” Dad stops in his actions and motions for me to follow him into the living room. Doing his command I follow dad and just lean against the door as he sits down on a nearby chair.

“Remember that guy I always used to talk about?” Dad said. I just nodded my head like an idiot even though I didn’t know who dad was even talking about. “Basically me and Shane used to be very good friends and Andrew is his younger brother. Couple of years into college I discovered that Shane was dying, the doctors didn’t know why, but he was dying. But….I promised Shane one thing…that I would look out for Andrew. But Andrew changed, he began doing drugs and all of it but I was still looking out for him. I may hate him right now, but, he’ll always be here in me because I care about him and I know what he lost was very important” And with that dad walked out of the room. I can’t believe dad went through dad and Mr McAvoy. All this time I thought that my life wasn’t’ fair but here I am listening to someone else who lost so much and I’m the one to complain. 


“Hey Snow, you ok?” I hear someone ask me. Looking to my right I see Candice standing next to me. Ever since the conversation I had with dad yesterday it’s left me depressed to the point I couldn’t even sleep at night. The same thing happened with Candice’s situation when I hear something depressing and sad I just turn all moody Margaret in a bad way.

“I’m fine” I tell her as I move a strand of my fringe out of my eyes-I need to get a haircut my hair has gone long now.

“You’re not fine. Are you on your periods or something?” She asked.

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