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A/N I'm back! Kind of. I'll write an announcement later but for now! 😜

Yagi’s POV
I am now hiding in my office, hiding because I did not actually realize just how angry Inko was going to be over the dorm system. I mean I did tell her that it would be sooner than last time but I didn’t think she would cry nearly so much.

Then there was Katsuki, he actually called her Mom and she basically broke. She has asked several times in the past, trying not to force him since Mitsuki IS still alive and his mother but Inko is his mother-in-law and she has been looking forward to the day. Neither of us expected that day, to be today.

I was leaning against my desk trying to ease the tension in my head but it wasn’t working. I heard the buzzer at my door and hit the button to let it pop open for whoever it was. I don’t have anything out anyway.

Inko walked in, ignored the chairs completely, walked around my desk, pulled my chair back and sat in my lap. It took a few moments but soon she was cuddled in my arms.

“He called me Mom,” she was all giggly and it was hard not to see how excited she was over it. I couldn’t help smiling at this lovely woman in my arms. Since we stayed in shape and I was never hurt like the first time around, neither of us have really grown weak, older sure but not weak. She is still a good bit taller than the boys while I am taller than her. My hero form is now my only form and it is nice not coughing up blood, just being here at UA reminds me of that small detail and I can’t help being thankful all over again.

“He called you Mom,” I whispered, smiling as I did. But then it turned a bit sad, “He still won’t call me Dad though. Did I do something wrong? Have I hurt him in some way that I haven’t realized yet? Am I pushing it too much?”

“No, unlike Mitsuki, who he calls an old hag, he actually calls his father Dad. I would say that that is the reason behind that, or at the very least a major factor.”

I held Inko close, thankful that things have worked out so well this time around. “Next time tell me before things are being processed, it felt like you were trying to steal my babies away,” she mumbled in my ear and I apologized again. I don’t blame her for freaking out, just like the boys said, that was stupid of me.

“Where is Aiko? For some reason I just want to hold our baby that is actually still a baby,” I asked and she laughed.

“And the boys think I’m the overprotective one!” She giggled before telling me that she was with Yuki and the Bakugo’s.

“I’m not that bad,” I frowned and she laughed out loud. Never mind, I am that bad. To be fair though they have been kidnapped several times and the number of hostage situations they have managed to get into is ridiculous.

“Fine, I just want them to be safe and at least with the dorms they can pretend to have more freedom than they actually do,” I pouted at my wife.

“It’s times like these that I want another baby,” she smiled before kissing me. My arms tightened around her at the thought.

“Don’t tell me that, I might try,” I groaned, trying to ignore my body at the moment, failing but trying.

“Maybe you should try?” She crooned in my ear and this is really a losing battle. I can’t win against her, never could, never will. “Aiko is a deep sleeper and the boys won’t be home starting next week.”

Well I lose, or win? Either way I have some eventful nights ahead of me. I kissed her and our slow kisses grew deeper and deeper until *CHIME* We both jumped and I groaned at the interruption.

“We’ll finish this tonight, at home,” she promised, winking at me before getting up and going to the door. Leaving me in a highly uncomfortable state and stuck in my seat.

“I hope I’m not interrupting,” Nezu asked while walking in and jumping into the seat across from my desk and now I feel like I’ve been slapped with cold water. Inko waved goodbye before closing the door behind her and leaving.

“Is there something that you need?” I ignored his question altogether, my wife gone and leaving me slightly irritated. Okay, more than irritated.

“The dorms are finished and furniture is being moved in as we speak. As you suggested, basic measurements of the dorms were sent home with the students so they could plan accordingly,” he started sipping on tea that I didn’t offer him. Seriously, where does he get it?

“That’s good we won’t have to worry about the kids overfilling their rooms,” I nodded and he looked at me with interest but didn’t say anything. Somehow I have managed to keep being sent back in time a secret from everyone, including this little mastermind. None of us ever talk about it. Ever. The fear of what could happen if Izuku ever heard about it was too much for any of us to chance.

“I have to say, when I heard that you had gotten married in secret all those years ago I really didn’t believe it but seeing you with your family really nailed things home,” he mused out loud, making my skin crawl.

“Everyone is allowed to have secrets and my love life isn’t really something that the public needs to know,” I answered, guarding myself. Something feels off, why would Nezu bring this up now?

“It’s just that you disappeared for a few weeks marrying a woman that by all rights you should have never even met before, that leaves people to ask questions,” he shrugged and I glared at him.

“Stay out of it,” I felt myself panicking but I only showed my anger. “How my wife and I met is none of your concern and our children, you only need to worry about their school lives, not their personal lives.” I stood up and he seemed to take the hint and stood up as well, walking towards the door. When he stepped out the door I saw Aizawa standing there ready to knock but I ignored him while I glared at the small principal.

“I already know many of your secrets. What is the harm in knowing one more?” He shrugged as if I were being an unruly child.

“Keep your paws away from my family, Nezu. I trust you to help teach them to be better heroes, I don’t trust you with their lives,” I hissed at him before turning to Aizawa who was listening, interested.

“So this secret could cause one of them harm?” He mused out loud again and I pulled Aizawa inside and slammed the door. I know exactly what kind of person he is. He is nosey to a fault. As to why he feels a need to know everything I don’t have a clue but that doesn’t mean I’m going to go telling him everything. Regardless of if his heart is made of gold or coal.

I went back to my desk and invited Aizawa in properly this time but he still looks a little perturbed but then again I did kind of manhandle him.

I poured some tea for myself and handed him a cup of coffee, watching as he calmed down immediately from just being handed the beverage.

“Are one of the boys in danger?” He asked after hesitating for a while.

“They are always in danger,” I answered, not keeping it a secret from him but I won’t tell him the specifics. “My little Aiko seems to be the only one that could have a normal childhood but she loves her brothers far too much to stay away and that just isn’t fair but it’s life.” I sighed and rubbed my head but remained calm.

“Why won’t you tell Nezu then? He could help,” he looked at me funny but I just learned back in my chair.

"Because if he knows it could kill one of them, regardless of what he wants to do with the information or even if he does nothing at all with it. There is a quirk involved so just leave it at that," I sighed and took another sip of my tea. Sometimes I wish I could have a good stiff drink but that's not really an option.

Aizawa looked a bit troubled but seemed to pull his thoughts together. “Then if you need my help one day, let me know,” he looked up from his coffee and I smiled back at him.

“Thank you, for some reason I see you as an old friend. I apologize in advance if I say anything that makes you uncomfortable but please tell me so that I won’t do it again.” He nodded at my words and I saw what I swear was a smile but it disappeared quickly.

“I’ll remember that.”

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