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A/N I have 12 chapters ready to go and I don't want to wait 3 months for you all to read them. 🥲 Am I silly? Please enjoy! 💃🏻

All Might’s POV
I’m going to end up pulling my hair out from these boys. WHY would Katsuki agree to something so foolish? He knows how dangerous those landmines were and he still piled them up like that? He had to be the one to plan it because why else would the boys do something so irresponsible and dangerous? Other than Katsuki who had seen Izuku do just that during our first life that is.

“They are grounded, from absolutely anything and everything! WH-” I was cut off when Inko gave me a sweet kiss.

“Dear, let the boys be. They are still children, let them have a bit of fun and no one else's parents are grounding their kids so that the world could hear them, right?” Inko patted my shoulder trying to calm me down and Aiko popped out from behind her.

“That’s right Daddy! Let my big brothers have some fun. It’s not like there are any bad people here to hurt them! Right?” She had convinced her mother and I to take her to get a perm and now her golden blond hair had ringlets instead of the waves that she used to have and she absolutely adored flipping it around while she walked or curling it around her finger while she talked, paired with her sparkling blue eyes it was really not fair on anyone, much less me.

“But sweetheart they could have been hurt,” I tried to explain to my daughter, squatting down to her level while Inko was watching, giggling and not helping me at all.

“But Daddy! They always have to do everything your way. Are they supposed to be just like you or are they supposed to be heroes themselves?” Aiko puffed out her chest, her hands on her hips while she glared at me and damn it. I lost.

“How did you get to be so smart?” I asked my four year old, petting her head and she smiled real big at me, making me dread the answer.

“Because I listen to Mommy!” She announced, super proud of herself. It was now that I heard a few thousand people, “awe” and I looked up to see that the cameraman for the event had recorded and broadcasted the whole conversation.

“Do you mind?” I asked, irritated. Why must someone point a camera at my baby any time we take her out? Just why? It’s just bad manners to record children without permission. I heard him cough and mutter an apology but Aiko had my attention again.

“Mommy! Mommy did you see? I got Daddy to admit it!” Aiko had already turned her attention back to her mother and I was left forgotten. Why do I get the distinct feeling that I am Aiko’s least favorite person in the family? She adores all of her brothers the same and Yuki is like the sister she just doesn’t have and of course there is her mother and I am just left in the dust of all of them.

I let my head drop and sighed, “I guess it can’t be helped.” The smile on my face didn’t disappear while I watched my wife and daughter and it wasn’t long before the second round was announced.

I picked up my little angel and she happily sat on my shoulders so she could see better and held on tight while cheering for her brothers. We watched while all the other teams went running for them and young Todoroki used his ice to coat the field and they were able to easily dodge the worst of it and Katsuki grabbed several headbands as they skated past the other teams. Listening to Present Mic announce things as they happened it was hard to take my eyes off of the boys, they managed to get a girl from the support class to join them and they were scarily efficient in taking out the low powered teams making me chuckle.

"What's so funny Daddy?" Aiko asked and I explained while Inko laughed next to us, her giggles turning the once silent air into music.

"They are taking out any teams they don't have an interest in facing in the next round. It's pretty easy to see that they are skipping past the students who seem to have the more powerful fighting style and we all know how the boys can be,” I teased looking away from the monitor and up at my little girl.

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