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All Might's POV
The mission that Aizawa requested was accepted immediately by the boys and they even took Young Todoroki, Kirishima and Kaminari with them. They were only gone for two days but that alone was really too good to be true and I should have known better.

I really should have known better.

Todoroki, Hitoshi, Katsuki and Izuku were hit with a quirk while they were gone and it's been more than a headache since they've returned.

"Boys, we are in the middle of class," I reminded them again for what has to be the hundredth time since class started today.

"But Dad," Izuku whined and I am very close to taping his mouth shut. "Kacchan is just so amazing, how can I stay away?" He giggled and for what must be the twelfth time today I walked over and pulled them apart by their collars.

The quirk they were hit with was called true intentions; it makes the victim act on their impulses so they couldn't hide who they were and sadly that includes their mouths. Izuku and Katsuki have been talking dirty and flirty all day now and the only time any of us get a break is when they get too close to each other and start making out.

"Dad!" Izuku whined when I once again ripped them apart from each other.

"It's because of a quirk, it's because of a quirk, it's because of a quirk," I repeated again and again, trying not to lose my mind. I think it would help if they weren't getting so touchy every time but as it is, I'm not that lucky.

My wife appeared, giggled at my distress and considering Aizawa had all but recorded my day, it has been difficult.

"Sir? Aren't they married?" Young Iida raised his hand while asking. Seriously, what is the purpose of raising your hand if you don't wait to be called on?

"That doesn't stop the fact that they are in class at the moment or the fact that Izuku is only 16 still," I answered, the two boys I just pulled apart still giggling flirtatiously, making my head hurt.

"Dear, they were hit with a quirk. The fact that they are only kissing should be considered a relief," Inko gently lectured me and I dropped the boys who were once again hugging each other and littering each other with kisses.

“Inko, they can’t be doing this in class,” I sighed and she giggled some more.

“Then send them back to the dorms, they aren’t in any condition to pay attention anyway,” she waved off my concerns but even now the two in question are hugging each other close and giggling as the other sprinkled light kisses on apparently ticklish places but neither were fighting the other.

“Besides, look at Hitoshi. He was hit with the same quirk,” she pointed out and I looked up to see Hitoshi holding Kaminari’s hand and blushing bright red while leaning on his shoulder. Kaminari on the other hand was extremely red but also smiling at the soft affection.

“Young Todoroki was also hit with the quirk and he isn’t disturbing class,” I pouted and I turned to see that Young Yaoyorozu was handing the young man yet another Endeavor plushie just for him to slowly burn it. His entire focus on how slowly he could destroy the toy.

“Nevermind,” I sighed before raising my voice. “Young Todoroki, go to Hound Dog’s office. Young Yaoyorozu? Could you send a few of those with him?” I groaned trying to school my face only to reach out and pull Izuku away from Katsuki again. I really don't like where his hands keep reaching.

"Hmm," Inko hummed, still smiling at me. This pregnancy has been driving me crazy. Now that the boys are home safe, any time she can pull me away I have ended up between her legs, no matter how much I have fought the temptation. Inko always wins but I won't complain about that.

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