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A/N So as you all might (accident but I'm keeping it) have guessed, the holidays are coming up and I was just told at work last night that we have several overtime days ahead of us. I will try to keep up with the updates but only time will tell if I'll succeed or not. Wish me luck. 🥲

Deku's POV
I haven't seen the Lady in the Green Hood since she told me to accept the mission in Turkey. I tried to refuse, I really did but she just told me that it wasn't safe to go back home yet. So the only reason she wanted me to take the mission in Turkey was to keep all four of us out of Japan longer but she wouldn't tell me why, at least not the details, only that we would die if we went back too soon.

Whatever the threat was seems to be over now though and now that we are home I can finally relax. The mission in Turkey was pretty uneventful except for what happened between Kacchan and I in private. I can't believe things got so intense!

Recovery Girl took one look at us before grabbing her cane and wacking Dad again, grumbling about us giving her so much extra work but at the same time I know she is proud, at least if my dreams are anything to go by. In my dreams she sighed a lot before healing me and then I was the one that got hit with her cane. So this is way better!

We were released back to the dorms and when we walked in laughing about what some of the people did while we were in Turkey there was a squeak like scream that had all four of us jump into the defensive only to find our classmates staring at us open mouthed.

“What happened to you?” Iida demanded and that seemed to break whatever silent spell was cast on them and they all started demanding answers and no thank you!

“Oi, back the fuck off! Does it LOOK like we have the energy to deal with your fucking questions right now?” Kacchan set off an explosion, getting all of their attention and several argued with him but he wasn’t having any of it so while Kacchan heroically distracted them all, we hurried to the elevator and once the doors opened I pulled him inside and away from our nosey classmates. Sometimes even I think they need to relax a bit, especially Iida but they are all so nice it's hard to see them as anything but friends.

We didn’t relax until Kacchan and I were safely in our room and it didn’t escape my notice that Kami went into Toshi’s room. I hope he doesn’t do anything that he regrets. Mom and Dad won’t let Kami live otherwise.

Not that I could say too much about the matter. Considering it feels a bit like I pressured Kacchan to do those things back in Turkey with me.

I mean, what the hell was I thinking? Kacchan and I were doing great already and it’s not like he has ever told me no before. Not really and the one time he resisted I pouted and flirted my way into getting the answer that I wanted? Am I evil? Because right now I just feel guilty.

“Izu?” Kacchan called out my name gently and when I looked up I saw his sharp eyes watching me carefully, his one hand held up as if he were reaching for me and he just looked so helpless. As if he had been hoping for something but now he could only beg for a small bit of it.

What did I do wrong now?

“Is that a no?” He pulled his hand back and I tilted my head confused.

“I’m sorry, I was lost in my thoughts. What did you ask?” I tried to answer in a way that he wouldn’t get mad about and get him to answer. I saw him take a deep breath relaxing, catching my attention immediately. What in the world did he ask that would get him to respond like that?

“I was asking if we could cuddle? I know that we said we would wait but I just. Well, feeling your arms around me is nice,” he cleared his throat and his face was steadily getting redder when he looked away, not able to meet my gaze anymore thanks to his embarrassment.

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