Chapter 1

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Alexis's pov

I decided to start my own mafia at fourteen years old, I trained hard for months, I became a well known racer, known as black heart. My parents are always drunk and would abuse me, when they are done hitting and kicking me, I would go to my bathroom to get the first aid kit and clean my wounds.

Today I woke up and took a shower, covered the visible bruises with make-up and got ready for school. I walked down the stairs and looked if my parents were there, they weren't there so they must still be asleep.

When I got to school my friend Alena came up running to me. She joined my mafia when I was fifteen, she is my best friend. Alena hugged me. "Heyy girl, I've missed you so much!" Said Alena. "Heyy, I've missed you too!"I said back. " We have Math first, I don't have the energy for math."Alena said. "I don't know why math is always first on a Monday, it is to early in the morning for this shit!" I wined. The bell rang and everyone began going to their classes.

Me and Alena went to math. I always sleep through math, the teacher gave up on waking me up every time. The bell rang and Alena came and woke me up. We went to our second class which was history, why does it have to be so boring? I said to myself.

It was finally break, me and Alena and other friends sat at a table in the cafeteria and talked about the Spanish mafia." Oh so they are stealing our shipments, Alex, can you hack there computers please?" I asked him. "I'll find out where there Headquarters is and then we can make a plan to take them down" I said to them. "I have already hacked their computers, Alexis" Alex said with a smile. "Wow, that's great, Alex!" I said back with a smile. We went on planning till the bell rang.

The Spanish mafia was beginning to annoy me, because they are stealing our shipments. I was in a class that we can use our laptops, I sat in the back of the class so I began looking for the Spanish mafia's headquarters, turns out they are not so far from here, they where a few minutes away from the school.

It was almost the end of school, only 2 periods left, I was in English class when I was called to the principal's office, I was excused from class which I was happy about because that class was so boring. As I walked to the principal's office I was thinking why he is calling me to go to his office.

I knocked on the door and I heard a "come in". I opened the door and saw 2 police officers. Shit, what are they doing here. The principal told me to sit down which I did. "Must be wondering why police officers are here, I'll let them tell you what is going on." Said my principal. I looked at the officers, thinking what happened.

" Alexis, we are sorry to inform you that your parents died because of drunk driving, we are ganna take you to the police station to find out if you have other relatives who can take you in." One of the police officers said. In my mind I was screaming of happiness that those Fuckers are finally gone while I pretended to look sad.

The officers and I walked out of the school and drove to the police station, when we got there they asked for a DNA test, it took two hours, I was sitting on my phone texting Alena and the others what happened on the group.

After two hours they came up to me. " well Alexis, we found out that they weren't your real parents " they said. I was looking at them in shock. " how " I said. I was speechless. " we found your real family, we already called them, they said they will come pick you up tomorrow. So we can go get your things and you can stay here for the night." The other police officer said. I was wondering who my real parents are and what happened.

We drove to the house and I walked to my room to start packing my personal things, all of my clothes and make up, I was still in shock and still speechless. When I was done packing I walked down the stairs and looked around, in the living room there were bottles of alcohol everywhere, I continued to walk out of the house.

We drove back to the police station, where they showed me to a room. I immediately called Alena.
She picked up after the second beep. " Are you okay, tell me everything!" She screamed though the phone. " They died because of drunk driving, but turns out they aren't my real parents, they called my real parents and the are picking me up tomorrow." I said. Alena was quiet for a couple of minutes and we talked for an hour.

It got late, it was 10:47 pm so I decided to go to sleep, but ended up staying awake the whole night. It was 04:23am the last I checked.

Riccardo's pov

I was sitting in my office busy researching, when I got a call from the police station in London. " hello." I said. "Hello Mr. Romano, we are calling to say that we found your daughter and asking if you want to take custody of her?" They said. " Are you sure it is my daughter?" I asked. " Yes s-sir we are sure, we ran a DNA test." They said. They found my principessa (princess). It told them I'll be picking her up tomorrow and hung up.

I called everyone to my office to tell them we found her. Everyone came in and sat down. "We found her, we finally found Alexis after 15 years." I said to them with happiness in my voice. I could see the happiness in there faces too. " Me, Marco, Antonio and Angelo are flying to London to go pick her up from the police station, we will fly at 12 pm this afternoon." I said to them and dismissed them.

I started packing things that I needed for the flight, which was clothes, gun and other things. Excited to see my principessa ( princess) again after 15 years.


What will be Alexis reaction to seeing her real father?

Hope you enjoyed the first Chapter!!

Total words: 1099

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