Chapter 43

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__Casey pov__
( the skinny girl is the previous Chapter)

I walked in and my dad had a furious face and lifted his hand to hit me, but was stopped by her, the number one mafia leader in the world. My dad was in disbelief as he stared at her. "Lay a hand on her again and I will scoop your eyes out with a spoon and feed it to you." She said in the coldest tone possible. My dad had horror in his eyes but had that audacity to ask. "And who are you ?" "Oh, who am I, probably the most feared person in this entire world." She said to him. "Most feared? That is not true, woman are to weak-" she cut my dad off by pulling out her gun and pointed it at him, he was looking for it though. " Women are weak huh, sure, how about now?" She said still pointing her gun at him. At this point my mom came down stairs. "What is going on here?" My mom asked but froze as she saw my dad at gunpoint.

__Alexis's pov__

Her mom came down as I pointed my gun at her dad. "What is going on here?" Her mom asked but froze when she saw me pointing a gun at her husband. "Your husband over here is getting on my nerves" I said to her mom. "I bet you know that there is mafias in this world, yet you don't know the number one mafia in this world, because they don't show their face to the world yet, but you know what they look like now." I said and their faces turned into horror and fear. I love seeing people's faces turn to horror and fear.

"You are black heart" they asked. "Of course I am, if I wasn't why would I stand here pointing a gun at you?" I said back at them. I love being sarcastic to everyone. "Now let's get this straight, if you lay a hand on her again, you both will have your eyes out of their sockets and don't think that I can't see everything, don't underestimate the things I can do." I said with venom in my voice.

__Time Skip__

After the thing at Casey's house, I got back to the warehouse and went to my dad's office.

I walked through the door, without knocking, everyone looked up and then back down when they realised that it was me." Okay, now that Alexis is here now we can decide who made it or not. Alexis, let's start with your group, they were a bit challenging. Who in your group do you think has the potential to get in?" My dad asked me, my brothers looked at me waiting for my answer. "Well, I choose Casey, she really gave it her all, Violet, she was good in shooting, I don't know how she did by you guys, the boys, there was a few that were good either at throwing knives or shooting." I said sliding my list of names that was good at my group to dad across the table.

Dad looked at my list and asked my brothers on their group. Enzo was sitting in one of the chairs that are not by the table I sat, he was staring into my soul. I could feel his eyes on me. I turned around, rotating the chair and caught him red handed staring at me. He signalled to me to meet him outside. I excused myself and went out the door, he was standing in the hallway. I stood beside him, staring at him like he did to me. "Take a picture, it will last longer." He said. "Well I could have said the same thing to you back in the room." I said glaring at him.

"Is that all I came out here for or ?" I asked him. I would be annoyed if it was it. "No it is not all, no need to be feisty about it. I grabbed my knife and pointed it at his neck. "Feisty, no I'm annoyed." I said glaring at him. He took his pointer finger and pulled down my knife away from his neck. "What got you so annoyed?" He asked. I turned away from him and walked away but he grabbed by my arm and pulled me back. Before I could say anything he smashed his lips into mine. I was taken by surprise.

My hands went to his hair and his to my waist. But someone has to always ruin it. This time it was one of my brothers. Knowing that they will probably kill him.

Overprotective much

I pushed Enzo away and act like nothing happened. "Alexis, Enzo, we are choosing who made it." Angelo said. "Well be right there" I said and looked back at Enzo. "We better get going then." I said to Enzo and turned and he followed me back inside. We took our seats and hear what my dad has to say.

__Enzo's pov__

She is scary when she is mad or annoyed, but when I asked why she is so annoyed, she turned her back towards me and started walking away, I grabbed her arm and pulled her back and kissed her.

Her hands went to my hair and I wrapped my arms around her waist. Then Angelo came out and Alexis pushed me away, her brothers would kill me, they are so protective over her even though she is the number one mafia leader in the world. Crazy to think that she is the number one mafia leader in the world, because of how she can be so innocent and then change into a person who can kill you with no hesitation.

Angelo said that they are picking who made it in the mafia and we went in and listened who made it and who did not.

We sat down and Mr. Romano began speaking.


Next chapter is going to start where they are with the recruits are going through rules and their first day of being in a mafia!

Hope you guys have a great day/evening/night!

Total words:1031

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