Chapter 17

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Riccardo's pov (dad)

I had to tell her about the ball, I was on my laptop planning for the ball and what is going to happen there. The school ended at 2pm so they would be here in 30 minutes.

I heard the door open, I checked my watch and it was 2:10pm. Alexis came into the living room with her brothers walking behind her. "You guys are early, it is 2:10pm. I said as I looked at them. "Yeah because I drove." Alexis said placing the keys on the counter. "You drove?". I said surprised by what she said. "Yes, she grabbed the keys out of my hand and said she's driving." Elijah said.

I turned to Alexis, seeing her sat down on one of the chairs in the kitchen. "Alexis, there is something I want to talk about." I said, she turns around to look at me. "What do you wanna talk about, dad?" Alexis said. "Well Alexis, there is going to be a ball next week so you are going." I said to her. "Oh I know already about it, every mafia in the world is going to be there, did dad forget that in also in the mafia?" She said. I forgot that she was in the mafia so of course she is ganna be there. "Okay, but be careful, there will be guards outside and inside if anything goes wrong." I said worried. "Yes, dad, I'll be careful, if it makes you feel better my friends are going to be there." Alexis said with a smile. Well at least her friends are going to be there but I'll ask Marco to keep an eye on them. "Okay princiessa." I said, a smile making it's way to my lips. She turned around and asked one of the maids to make her an omelet. As the maid was making her, her food, I went back to plan the ball.

The ball's theme was ganna be white sheets on the tables and Yellow flowers on each table. It was a big place since there is going to be a lot of people there. I got interrupted by my phone ringing, I stood up and went outside to except the call. "Ciao Giovanni. Hai informazioni sui russi?" I said in Italian.(Translation: Hello Giovanni. Have you got any information about the Russians?)

"Sì, Abbiano il capo al magazzino nella cella 43" Giovanni said over the phone. (Translation:Yes, we have the leader at the warehouse in cell 43) " VA bene, sarò lì tra 10 minuti" I said back and hearing him say 'alright boss' before I hung up. I got back inside to see Alexis finished with her food. "I got to go to work so I'll be back in an hour." I said to Alexis as I got everything."Can I come with dad?" Alexis asked. She knows I'm in the mafia and so is she. "Sure, but stay by my side the whole time." I said. She jumped up excited to come with. She got her phone and headed towards the door where I was waiting. We walked out the door to the garage and climbed in the car.

I started reversing out of the garage and drove till we got to the gate, I nodded my head to the guard who opened the gate and bowing his head to me in respect. We headed towards the warehouse, parked in the parking lot and got out.

We pulled up to the warehouse and got out. We started walking to the entrance of the warehouse, I opened the door to meet Giovanni and said my hellos. He then looked at Alexis and said "Capo, chi è questo? (Translation: Boss, who is this?) Before I could say anything Alexis said "Sono Alexis, piacere di conoscerti." (Translation:I'm Alexis, nice to meet you.) She can speak Italian! I snapped my head at her surprised. Giovanni nodded his head and looked at me again and switched languages to French. "Patron, nous I'avons attaché  dans la cellule. " Giovanni said. I nodded my head, but I don't know if she speaks French too but to my surprise she does. "Oh, donc le patron russe est là, désolé." (Translation:Oh, so the Russian boss is here, sorry) She apologies to me with a smile. I'll ask her later about that.

We walked towards cell 43 where he was held in. There was guards at every door, he opened the door and we walked in. I pulled out a chair for Alexis to sit down as I make my way to Alessio aka the leader of the Russian mafia.

Alexis's pov

Dad made his way towards Alessio and squat down to his level, Alessio was already bruised up as I got my phone out to see a message from Alex.
Alex: Hey, exited for the ball??

Alexis: yeah, I'm a bit nervous. I'm sitting at my dad's work place while he is busy with Alessio.

Alex: Oh, so your dad is getting information out of him?

Alexis: Yeah, he is annoying when he screams at my dad  :(

Alex: Oh no

Alexis: yep, but I'll talk to you later

Alex: Okay, have fun!


I look up from my phone to see my dad stabbing a knife into his thigh. Alessio screams in agony. I stood up annoyed at his screams and made my way to him and stood next to my dad. Dad pulled the knife out of his thigh and turned to me. "What did he do?" I asked my dad. "He stole stuff from us and he is the one when you guys were being chased." Dad said.

I went over to where the other knives were and grabbed a black one.

I walked towards him and my dad moved out of the way and sat down in the chair wondering what was going to happen next

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I walked towards him and my dad moved out of the way and sat down in the chair wondering what was going to happen next. " If you don't speak up I'll stab this knife into your other thigh" I said annoyed. "Hello, Alexis." He said with his horrible creepy smile and in an inappropriate manner. His face was fucked up already with his thigh that was bleeding where my dad stabbed him. I had enough of him and his inappropriate behavior and stabbed him in his other thigh and his annoying screams echoed though the cell. I smiled as I left the knife in his thigh, and waited till he was done screaming.

After 10 minutes that felt like hours, he stopped screaming at looked at me. "Are you going to speak up or do I need to stab you again or do you prefer another thing that might get you to start talking?" I said looking at him. " I don't care what you are going to do, you aren't getting anything out of me" He said laughing. Guess I have to try something else. I grabbed the knife that was still in his thigh and pulled it out and him screaming again, I went to the back of the chair and untied his ropes, knowing he was to weak to do anything, I harshly grabbed his hand and took the knife and placed it above his finger. "Still don't wanna talk huh or do you want to lose a finger?" I said waiting for him to answer. He didn't say anything so he was going to lose a finger. The next thing was his finger laying on the floor and his screams. The door suddenly opens as I turn my head towards the door. Oh, Marco's here! I stabbed him in his thigh again and ran up to my brother and hugged him. " Hi,  what are you doing here" I said excited to see him. "Hi Alexis, what are you doing at the warehouse and in here?" Marco asked as Alessio was still screaming. "Well, getting information out of Alessio, but nothing so far apart from him getting stabbed in his thighs and him losing a finger." I said to him with a smile. He nodded his head at me staring at me like I'm a psyco.

Marco and my dad went out the door which they leave me alone with him.

"So are you going to say something now?"


Hello, you guys wanted an update so here you guys go, hope you enjoyed this chapter, I'll post Chapter 18 tomorrow  :)

Total words : 1402

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