Chapter 38

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___ Ricardo's pov ___

We got woken up by a loud crashing noise from downstairs. I told my wife to stay here while I went to check it out. When I got down stairs I saw Alexis pointing a knife at Tylor, one of the guards. "What is going on here!" Marco said loud as he came down the stairs. "He grabbed me like he was going to kidnap someone." Alexis said still pointing the knife at him. I came and took him while he told me that Alexis was lying to me, but I didn't listen to what he had to say. Marco went to Alexis to make sure she is okay.

I took him to the basement where he will sit here till morning so that he can go to the warehouse. I sat infront of him while he struggled to get out the restraints. "So any reason you did this, Tylor?" I asked him which he replied no to. I stood up and before I left, I punched him square in the nose so that it will start bleeding. After that I left and just left him there, there were guards in the basement and the door is locked either way.

___ Alexis's pov ___

Dad took him to the basement and I proceed to get a snack and cold water. Marco came and checked if I was okay, which I told him that I was okay. " Alexis are you sure?" He asked again. " Yes I'm sure, but why did he do that?" I asked wondering why. " Because we now had a traitor in the house and we don't know if it is just him or more, but if it is just him, we got the traitor." Marco said. "Why didn't I know of this and when did you know about this?" I asked confused about why I wasn't told about this. " Enzo told us when he got here and we didn't inform you because we didn't want to make you on edge." He said looking away.

"It's fine" I said opening my snack, which was a lunchbar chocolate.

(Here is a picture of a lunchbar for the people who don't know what type of chocolate it is, we have it here in South Africa)

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(Here is a picture of a lunchbar for the people who don't know what type of chocolate it is, we have it here in South Africa)

"Why are you up so late?" Marco asked. I looked at him and said "because of this stupid sunburn." He let out a short laugh. "You should have worn sunscreen." Marco said smiling. "Don't come after me, Elijah also didn't put sunscreen on." I said back at him. Dad came back up and Marco went and talked to him and I followed him to hear the conversation. "He's going to stay there until morning so that he can go to the warehouse and get information out of him." Dad said, Marco and I nodded. "How do we know if there is another person?" I asked referring to what Marco said earlier. " We'll still keep an eye out if there is another person." Dad said answering my question.

The talk was over and we went back to our rooms, because the sun will come up anytime soon. I sat at my desk in my room and started sketching in my sketch book mainly because I am in the mood for sketching and drawing after that flower painting on the wall.

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I started to sketch a tiger, it is going very good so far

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I started to sketch a tiger, it is going very good so far. When I turned around the sunlight came through the window, getting up after finishing the sketch I went to the window and looked out of the window amazed by the view.

 When I turned around the sunlight came through the window, getting up after finishing the sketch I went to the window and looked out of the window amazed by the view

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It was beautiful to look at. I had to look away and take a shower, when I was done I changed into a white sweatshirt and black leggings with white shoes.

I went out of my room and downstairs to the kitchen to make myself a lovely cup of coffee

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I went out of my room and downstairs to the kitchen to make myself a lovely cup of coffee. As I'm making my coffee, I had thoughts about earlier, I always had my suspicions on Tylor, he watched my every move, took photos of me and I once caught him and I slapped him and ratted him out for doing that.

I stopped thinking of that and poured hot water into my coffee mug. Got the milk out of the fridge and took off the cap, pouring it into my mug. I put the milk back in the fridge, but when I closed the door and turned, I screamed my lungs out of my body. "Fuck!" I yelled. Angelo was standing there smiling like a psycho and began laughing. "It's not funny, you almost gave me a heart attack!" I yelled at him again and punched his arm, not too hard but hard.

Dad came down tired but worried about the scream. " Dad, everything is okay, Angelo just scared the shit out of me." I said calming him down. "Language" dad said as a warning. "Sorry" I said back. I took my coffee mug off of the counter and went past Angelo, giving a
*Bombastic side eye* in the process. I sat down on the couch, drinking my coffee and Angelo purposely sat next to me, so in going to annoy the shit out of him. I began slurping as I drink my coffee, seeing him annoyed, makes me happy inside. I continued slurping till he was annoyed as hell, he stood up from the couch and walked away, smiling to myself, proud of what I did to annoy him. Drinking the last bit of coffee left in my mug, I stood up and went to the sink to wash my mug.

The rest of my brothers came down to the kitchen, got bowls and poured cereal into it. Dad went to the basement with other men, probably going to get Tylor and move him to the warehouse. He was screaming as they dragged him out. "Alexis, do you want to come with or are you busy today?" Dad asked. How can I say no to this. " Nope I'm not busy, I'll be there in five minutes!" I said going upstairs to get my phone. I also have to ask dad if I can do training the new recruits tomorrow.


Hello everyone, merry Christmas to you guys.

Here is Chapter 38!

Total words: 1047

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