Chapter 36

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I choose her name, I think it is a very cute name for her. Rosie is her name. She was still sleeping and I decided to go downstairs, only mom was there. "Mom, where is everyone?" I asked her. "Your dad is in his office in a meeting with Marco, Antonio and Angelo and some other people, Elijah and Jaxson are at a friend's house and Lorenzo is just in his room playing games on his playstation." She said all in one breath. "Okay, what are you doing mom?" I asked her, sitting next to her on the couch. "Watching princess diaries." She said.

( I don't watch movies often so I just put in a movie that I knew and I don't want to spoil it if you haven't watched it yet. )

I sat and watched the movie with her, it was a great movie. There were two of this movie and we watched both movies. I love this movie, at the old house, I wasn't allowed to watch TV so I don't know any shows or movies but when I started my mafia and went to Alena's house we always loved watching movies. But one movie will always be my favourite and that's Cat In The Hat.

My second favourite is How The Grinch Stole Christmas.

And now my third favourite movie is both princess diaries.

When our movie was done dad and the others came down the stairs because dad's office was on the third floor. The other people said goodbye to my dad and brothers and headed out the front door. After the other people left, my brothers decided to go jump into the pool, after they had changed into swimming clothes and I joined them. Mom and dad joined us later on and we all where cooling down in the pool.

It was extremely hot today so we had ice, ice cream, literally everything that is meant to cool a person down. I think we are going to have a heat wave or something. We were all day in the pool and Elijah and I forgot to put sunscreen on, when we got out of the pool we were red as a tomato, it hurts standing still, because when you stand still the heat from the sunburn is a nightmare.

(I experienced it myself, I wanted to tan and ended up 3 hours in the sun, I couldn't stand still for long before it burns and hurt, I did end up with a nice tan after a week of a nightmare of a sunburn)

Well at least I will get a tan, but this sunburn is going to last forever. We decided to head inside and get help with the sunburn. I got myself an ice cream and sat on the chair outside in the shade. Sitting though the burning sensation everywhere. When I finished my ice cream I got hit straight in the face with water, I looked and Angelo and Antonio was  both holding waterguns. I ran to the pool and did a cannon ball right next to them.

When I was sitting in the chair, I realised that my birthday was coming up in a few days, I never got a birthday party or anything for my birthday, I got beaten up the most on my birthday, so I never celebrated it.

Anyway when I jumped into the pool it hurt so much, this stupid sunburn! I got out of the pool again and rapped a towel around me and sat on the chair again. I went in because I dried off out side and I heard a knock on the door, I went and opened it and it was Enzo. "Hi Alexis, do you know where Angelo is?" He asked. "Oh, he is in the pool with my hole family." I said to him. "Thanks." He said and then kissed my cheek. "Why are you red like a tomato?" He asked as I followed him. " Forgot to put sunscreen on, Elijah has it the same." I said ignoring the burn that is going through my body.

We got outside and everyone was drying off, Enzo went and hugged my brother but they left saying that they have to discuss something in his office. I went to my room to change and check on Rosie.

____Enzo's pov____

We got to his office and I closed the door. "So what do you want to talk about?" He asked me. "It's about Alexis." I said. "Oh, that you like her, we all know that." He said. "Really, but no it is not that." I said. "Oh then what is it then?" He asked. " I think someone in this house is giving info to someone about her." I said. "What, do you know who it might be?" Angelo asked worried. "No unfortunately not, but I know it is someone in this house." I said worried about Alexis's safety.

"Okay then, we'll keep an eye on everyone in this house." He said and I nodded. We walked out of his office and back outside and Alexis wasn't there. "Mom, where is Alexis?" Angelo asked. "She went up to her room to change and check on Rosie." She said. Who's Rosie ? I asked myself. Angelo noticed that I was confused and said that when they were about to go in the gates, Alexis got out of the car and picked up a stray kitten. Okay now I understand what's going on. I said to myself.

Me and Angelo went to his room and played games on his playstation. Someone knocked on the door and Angelo paused the game and opened the door, it was Alexis. "I was wondering if there was any walls that are painted white and is not being used?" She asked. "I don't think there is, if you want to go ask dad about that, I think he'll help you more than me." Angelo said to Alexis. Alexis then nodded and walked away. Me and Angelo went back to playing GTA.


Hi everyone, here is Chapter 36! This Friday, my half sister is having a sleepover by me so I'll either be publishing on Sunday or Monday.

Have a great day/evening/ night wherever you guys are in the world

Total words: 1050

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