Chapter 30

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Enzo's pov

We got home and I parked somewhere in the driveway, I climb out and open the door for her. She mumbled thank you and I smiled. Alexis then looked towards the garage and said that she doesn't see her parents car there so they must have gone out. We head inside and changed into our swim clothes and got towels but before that we put our towels on the couch and went to the kitchen to make milkshakes.

 We head inside and changed into our swim clothes and got towels but before that we put our towels on the couch and went to the kitchen to make milkshakes

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After we finished making it we grabbed our towels and milkshakes and head to the pool. We sat everything down on the table that was outside, we both ran and did a cannonball into the pool. We swam and sprayed each other with waterguns. We climbed out of the pool to drink our oreo milkshakes and Alexis and I saw a packet of water balloons on the table, we looked at each other, smirking at the idea.

We filled the water balloons in a bucket and when they were full they fell into the bucket

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We filled the water balloons in a bucket and when they were full they fell into the bucket. Alexis grabbed one and threw it at me and started laughing. We heard the front door open and hear her brothers voices. "Wanna throw them with it?" She asked which I smiled to. We both grabbed balloons and she asked them to come and help with something. "What do you need help with, Alexis?" Angelo asked walking out the door, we both throw a water balloon at him and he wasn't expecting it to happen so he freezes as we both start laughing.

The others came out to see what was going on out here and we threw them with water balloons too. They grabbed water balloons from the bucket and started throwing them at us. That was went a water balloon fight broke out, we all threw water balloons at each other till we heard the front door open and everyone stopped. "Everyone we want to show you something, come to the living room!" Alexis's parents said. We all dried off and went inside to the living room. "We're here" Alexis said as everyone gathered in the living room. " Okay, we have a surprise for everyone." Alexis mom said and everyone getting excited for the surprise. Her dad came in and everyone gasps. " We have a new family member." Her mom said, Alexis was so excited to see the dog, actually everyone was excited.

"We decided that you guys come up with a name" Her dad said. "What about buddy" Jaxson said. "Dexter!" Alexis said. "Bear!" Angelo said. "Max!" Elijah said. "Ace!" Antonio said. "Milo" Lorenzo said. And then Marco said "Maximus" and I said "Asher"

They are all great names but it turned into an argument on which name was the best. "Okay so how about we pick straws, the one with the longest straw is what we name him!" Alexis yelled so that everyone could hear. Everyone then stopped with arguing and agreeing to what Alexis said. Her mom and dad got straws and cut it for everyone to pick. We all picked a straw and waited for everyone to pick their straw. Then we all placed our straws down and looked at it. "Yes! His name is Maximus!"Marco yelled happy that he won.

We all welcomed Maximus to the family. "We also got Maximus all the things he needs so we have to set it up, so everyone is helping." Riccardo said packing out the bags that were on the kitchen counter. Everyone then started helping getting everything ready for Maximus, making his bed, his food and water bowls, his tennis balls and other dog toys. They got him a dog house that was outside but we had to build I first. But when we finished the house he was wagging his tail and explored his new little house.

Alexis putted his food and water bowl into its place and he started eating, he must have been hungry

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Alexis putted his food and water bowl into its place and he started eating, he must have been hungry. We all decided to watch a movie so we got snacks, there was kit kats, Hershey's bars and different tips of gummy sweets we put is all in one big round tray and sat it down in the living room. We made popcorn and got everyone drinks.

We got pillows and mattress and placed it all on the ground

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We got pillows and mattress and placed it all on the ground. We decided to watch Harry Potter. So we passed the tray of sweets to each other as the movie started. We could only watch one movie because tomorrow we had school again and I'm sleeping over by that I slept on the couch, it was so comfortable though. It was now 10pm and everyone went to their rooms, but Alexis's mom gave me blankets for the night and I said thank you to her, she smiled and said it was no problem.

The next morning 6am, they came down for breakfast, which was toast and eggs. Everyone sat at the dining table and told stories and talked about random things. After breakfast we had to get changed so I got my clothes and went to the bathroom to change. I changed into black jeans with a white turtle neck with a black coat.

All of them came down with their school bags and putted them in the living room

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All of them came down with their school bags and putted them in the living room. Alexis wore grey sweatpants with a oversized grey hoodie and a black baseball hat while her brothers wore all black. They made sure that they got everything that they needed and we head towards the garage. Alexis grabbed the keys to one of the cars and the car keys that she picked was a white Ford mustang car. We all climbed in and she was in the drivers seat, me in the passenger seat and Elijah and Jaxson in the back seats. She started the car and put the radio on and reversed out of the garage.

She then drove out the gates and we headed to school, just a few hours of hell then we can go home and relax. Elijah and Jaxson sang along to the songs on the radio while Alexis was trying to focus on the road and trying not to laugh. We drove though the school gates and she parked in the parking spot where her brothers would always park. Time for a few hour of hell till the school ends.

Hi everyone, here is Chapter 30!
Wow, 30 Chapters!

Anyway have a great day/evening or night! Wherever you guys are in the world.

Total words: 1080

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