chapter 8

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Alexis's pov

I hear the sounds of machines beeping, as I slowly open my eyes adjusting to the bright lights around me. I looked next to me as I saw a pole with bags on it. I looked to the other side to see dad sleeping on a chair.

What happened?? I asked myself.

It all began rushing back to me when I realized I got shot. As I was lost in my thoughts I didn't realize a doctor came in. When he realized I was awake, he woke up my dad.

"What happened?" I asked. My throat felt so itchy. Dad handed me a glass of water as I drank it, making my throat feel much better. Dad looked relieved that I was awake.

My brothers came rushing in as they heard I was awake. "How long have I been asleep for?" I asked. "For a week, princiessa." Dad said. I stared at them as they looked happy yet sad at the same time, I wonder why. I hope they didn't find the bruises and scars on my body.

The doctor leaved after checking if everything is alright and said that I would be discharged tomorrow. My dad and brothers looked at me and dad asked, "What happened in that house ?"


I looked down at my hands as dad looked concerned. "I don't want you guys to smash things again" I said still looking at my hands. They all nodded.


"What happened in that house was horrible, I got beated up by them and landing in the hospital most of the time. They said I should make breakfast everyday, which caused me to burn a lot, I have burn marks everywhere. After every beating I went to my room and got the first aid kid I had in my room. I have scars all over my body and most of them were from me, they wouldn't let me eat so that is why I can't eat a whole plate of food anymore, when I decided to start my own mafia, I was most of the day away from that house which I was happy about. I was at school when I was called to the principal's office to hear that they died because of drunk driving." I said feeling the tears in my eyes.

My brothers sat there in shock to hear me say i was being abused. Dad looked mad and sad. I looked at them, when they saw me crying they stood up and hugged me.

Riccardo's pov

I sat on the chair at the hospital. I couldn't stop thinking about what the doctor said about the scars and bruises, soon I fell asleep in the chair as I realized how tired I was.

Someone was shaking me as my eyes open to see the doctor. "Sir, she's awake." He said as I looked at her. "What happened?" She asked, her throat was dry by the sound of her voice. I handed her a glass of water and she drank it. I was so happy that she was awake.

The boys rushed in the room as soon as they heard that she was awake. She asked" how long have I been asleep for?". Which I said she has been asleep for an entire week.

The doctor checked everything to make sure everything is okay and said that she will be recharged tomorrow. She looked at us as I said " what happened in that house?". She looked down at her hands. " I don't want you guys smashing things again." Me and the boys nodded our heads.

After she told us everything I was shocked and mad at them for what they did to her. She said most of the scars were from her, did she harm herself? She looked at us and we noticed she begin crying. We stand up and give her a group hug.

Lorenzo's pov

I was in my office when I heard that she woke up, I dropped what I was doing rushing to the infirmary. My brothers came running down the stairs, guessing that they know as well.

We got to the infirmary and opened the door, when I heard from the doctor that they found scars and bruises scattered around her body, I was pissed. We all sat down as she asked how long she has been asleep for and Dad said for about a week.

She looked at us as dad asked her what happened in that house. She looked down at her hand. " I don't want you guys to smash things again." She said. How did she know we smashed things? I asked myself. I nodded my head along with dad and my brothers.

After she told us, I couldn't believe it. She was being abused while we were busy looking for her. I stared at her shocked. Most of the scars were from her, please don't tell me she self - harmed. I was upset by that part.

She looked at us with tears running down her cheeks, as I stood up and comfort her, the others joining seconds later.

Alexis's pov

We hugged, as I was crying my eyes out. They stayed with me for the hole day. It was now nine pm. They left and said that I needed rest. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

I wish that my kidnappers died sooner so I could meet them. I was happy here, where I am now. With my family. I am very grateful for them being in my life.


The next day, Tuesday, I woke up and checked what time it was and it was 8 am. The door opened as the lady who pulled a cart, breakfast was this time and she placed the plate down on the table, saying thank you to her as she left. I saw that it was eggs and bacon.

It was now 10 am and I decided to scroll through tiktok, laughing at funny videos. The door opened as the doctor checked everything again. He said that everything is okay and I can be discharged.



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