Chapter 20

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Alexis's pov

I began waking up opening my eyes as I get up, stretching. I got out of my bed and went to the bathroom. I do my business and got ready to take a warm shower. I spend almost 10 minutes in the shower. I got out, dried myself and picked my black ripped jeans, a black long-sleeved shirt and a grey t shirt over it with red van shoes. I look at the time on my phone and it's currently 8am.

I open my bedroom door and went downstairs to living room where my brothers are

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I open my bedroom door and went downstairs to living room where my brothers are. I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge and got a monster out. I sat in the living room next to my mom, mom was busy watching her shows on the TV while dad and my brothers where discussing something, probably about mafia stuff. I sat on my phone scrolling though tiktok, watching funny videos.

After about 2 hours of sitting in the living room scrolling though tiktok, this app it very addictive. It was now 10am and I decided to cause drama. I grabbed my monster, some plastic rap, and oil and made sure to take a hidden camera that looks like a ball, with me, because this is going to be so funny. I went upstairs to Jaxson, Elijah and Angelo rooms, I went and put plastic rap on their doors, I made sure that they wouldn't see it if they come out of their room. There is going to a prank war in this house any time soon. I grabbed the oil and spread it across the floor.
I set the camera on the floor and connected it to my phone and see when they come out.

I went back downstairs and went to the living room and sat down on the couch, I watched my phone and waited for it to start. After a while Elijah's door opens and him walking straight into the plastic rap, he rips it off of his door and took a step forward and slipped on the floor. That caused Jaxson and Angelo to rush out their doors and into the plastic rap and also slip on the floor. By this time I was laughing so hard till I was crying. "Alexis!" They scream at the same time. "Yes!" I yelled back trying to hold my laugh back. I stood up and went upstairs to see them trying to get off of the floor but fail every time. I burst out laughing. "You know you are going to land in the pool once we get off the floor." Angelo said with a smirk. I stopped laughing and ran down stairs to go find a hiding place. I got to the library and went to a bookshelf. I found the bookshelf a while ago, when I went and got a book and the bookshelf opened, I knew that they don't know about this spot because there was nothing in it.

I hid in there, I put a bunch of my pillows and blankets in there a few days ago. So I sat there on my phone for about 30 minutes. The ball was still up stairs and I see them trying to get up from the floor, but eventually getting up and started searching for me.

But I been sitting here for way to long. I read many books and I'm starting to get tired. I got up and tried opening the door and I wouldn't open, I tried to push open the door but it won't budge. "Fuck!" I yelled as I jumped at the door, trying to get it open but that didn't work.

I got my phone out and tried to call Lorenzo.

Lorenzo's pov

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