Chapter 19

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Alexis's pov

Angelo got us all ice cream and we sat in the living room eating our ice cream. I felt better after laughing and joking around with my family but I couldn't help but wonder why he wanted me dead. I had to go through years of abuse and nightmares till he died in the car crash. Alessio wanted to kill me as well and I don't know why, but he's dead as well so they can't kill me, but there may be other people that us out to kill me.

I got snapped out of my thoughts as Antonio was shaking me out of my thoughts. I turned my head to see everyone staring at me "why is everyone staring at me?" I said, I hate it when people stare at me, it makes me nervous. "You zoned out for a while." Dad said taking a sip out of his coffee. I'm craving monster energy right now. "Dad, can I go to the store real quick "I said with a smile hoping he says yes. "Okay but Marco is going with you." Dad said taking another sip of his coffee. "Okay, but I'm driving Marco." I said smirking at him. "No you're not." Marco said. "First one to the car is driving!" I yelled and ran to the door after I got the keys. Marco was caught off guard and stood there till he realized what I said.

I made it to the car first and climbed into the drivers seat. Marco came running into the garage and thought he was the first one there. He opened the driver's door. "I won, get into the passenger seat, passenger princess." I said while laughing. "Don't call me that." He said closing the door and walked to the passenger side. He climbed in and I started the car, backing out of the garage. I drove out of the gates and started my journey to the store to get monster. 

Marco had his seatbelt on and hold on for his life when he noticed I was speeding up. I stopped at the store, turned off the car and got out. Marco climbed out of the car with his arms crossed over his chest looking upset. I went into the store with Marco following behind me, I walked towards where all the energy drinks are. I grabbed all my favorites and put it in my basket that I had with me. Everyone that walks past us is scared out of there mind. Some lady came up to me, around 60 and Marco was looking at other stuff. "Are you okay, do you need help ?" The lady said. I nodded. "Yep I'm okay, I'm just here with my brother " I said as the lady looked at me when i said he was my brother. She nodded and went on with her shopping list.

"You are really getting that much monster ?" Marco said rising an eyebrow. "Yes" I said heading towards the cashier. Marco just follows behind untill I set the basket that is filled with energy drinks. He said that he isn't going to let me pay for it even though I wanted to pay it so I stood there with my arms crossed looking at him. They packed it in bags and we stood there for 10 minutes for  them to put it in the bags, yeah I got a bit to much. We got to the car and packed everything in the car, the trunk was full and so was the back seat. "Dad isn't going to be happy if we bring all of these boxes into the house" Marco said starting the car. "Yeah he probably is going to upset but I have a monster energy fridge that is on his way" I said excited for it to arrive.

 "Yeah he probably is going to upset but I have a monster energy fridge that is on his way" I said excited for it to arrive

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We got home and Marco had me call the guards on his phone to help us get everything out of the car. We got to the gate and see the guards already waiting for us. We drove to the front of the house and got out. "Just put everything in my room please " I said and the guards nodded their heads. They each took a box filled with 8 cans into the house. I went in to the living room and saw dad on the couch on his laptop. "Hi dad, we're back" I said and dad looked up. "Oh why did you guys took so long" my dad asked, but that's when he sees all the guards taking boxes upstairs."What is it with all the boxes? Dad asks. "It is energy drinks, monster energy" I said excited for the fridge to arrive. " You better not drink more than 3 a day " Dad said with a warning. "Don't worry I only drink two" I said but knowing I drink more than that.

"But I'm going upstairs" I said starting to walk to the stairs. "Oh and your fridge came a few minutes ago so it's in your room " Dad said working on his laptop. "Oh thanks for letting me know" I said rushing upstairs to my room. I opened my bedroom door to see so many boxes of monster energy, I'm not sure if it all is going to fit into the fridge. I picked my favorite one and opened it taking a sip of it.

(If it isn't your favorite one, imagine it is your favorite monster energy drink)

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(If it isn't your favorite one, imagine it is your favorite monster energy drink)

I started getting every can out of its box and setting it down on the floor, I started putting everything into the fridge. I think I need another fridge because I don't think every can is going to fit in this fridge. I got the half of it into the fridge so I might have to get another fridge but for now I have to put it in the kitchen's fridge. I went down to the kitchen and saw my mom watching TV and dad working on his laptop, I don't know where my brothers are. "Alexis, the ball is going to be tomorrow at 5pm till midnight " Dad said standing at the kitchen. "Oh yeah, but why has it to be so long, it's like 7 hours?" I said feeling already exhausted before the ball even started. "I need so many energy drinks to get through that night" I said taking a sip out of my energy drink. "You aren't going to sleep tonight, with all the energy you have now" Dad said going back to his laptop to work again.

I went back upstairs when I finished putting the rest in the fridge. I'm excited and nervous for tomorrow. I really don't want to talk to anyone tomorrow but I have to.


Hello, that was chapter 19, hope you enjoyed the Chapter.

Thank to everyone that has read this story and voted for it, I appreciate it very much :)

Total words: 1155

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