Chapter 40

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___Alexis's pov___

I took a sneak peek of Marco's laptop, seeing that the french mafia wants to be partners with me, which will not be happening. He thinks my mafia and his will be stronger together but in reality his mafia is right now in last place in the mafia world. He even tried to kill me when I started this mafia, but as you can see, he failed to do so. He can't think that I haven't forgotten about that, if he does he isn't the brightest person. But partners is definitely not happening, if that happens I'm definitely going to kill him for being annoying, he is terrible at making plans, how do I know that? Each plan he made failed, and I probably hacked into his whole database system and got all his terrible plans, that was how I knew he was planning on to kill me.

"Alexis, you might want to see this" Marco said without looking off his screen. Everyone's attention is on this situation right now. "Is it about the french mafia that wants to be partners with my mafia, if it is that will not be happening in a million years." I said taking a sip of chocolate milk I got along with my snack. "One, he is terrible at making plans, tried to kill me but failed, he is stupid if he thinks I forgot about him trying to kill me." I said and taking another sip of my lovely chocolate milk. Marco starred at me as well as my whole family. "Wait he tried to kill you, why?" Angelo asked. "Because I was above his mafia and he was jealous of me and planned to kill me but I hacked into his database system and found out all his terrible plans he made. Plus unfortunately I have a meeting with him at 7am today, since it is 1:45am right now and find out why he want to be my partner." I said and all of my brothers looked at me. "But aren't you worried he is going to try and kill you again?" Elijah asked and I said " No, because the meeting is going to be held at a place that is heavily guarded and I'll be prepared for if that happens" I said taking my gun out of the holster from my thigh, swinging it around my pointer finger. "Okay but there will be a guard there with you" Dad said sternly. "Okay, no problem!" I said in a loud voice. " Well goodnight, see you guys later." I said as I went up the stairs and hearing all of them saying goodnight back. I was feeling tired and it was because of the time, which is 2 in the morning so technically I'm meeting him today at 7.

Waking up at six, took a shower and changed into something professional.

I grabbed my black blazer from my closet and putting it around my shoulders

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I grabbed my black blazer from my closet and putting it around my shoulders. I also grabbed some heels, I would be happier if I wore normal shoes. These heels are going to kill me all day.

Heading downstairs I was met with Enzo. "Where are you going dressed so professional?" He asked and I looked at him and said "Meeting with the french mafia." He laughed at my sentence, while I just starred at him. He realised that I was serious about this and stopped laughing. "Oh your serious about it" he said and I replied with a yes and then after that I said that I should get going and we said our goodbyes. I went out the front door and dad stood outside next to who I'm guessing is the guard that will be going with me.

" So Alexis, this is Diego. He will be going with you." Dad said coming over to me and hugged me telling me good luck on this meeting. I hugged him back and saying thanks. Me and Diego went to the car and I was driving. " Do you want me to drive, ma'am?" Diego asked and I shook my head and said " No thanks, I'll drive" He nodded his head and got into the passenger seat while I got into the driver's seat.

__time skip__

Making it to my office building, me and Diego got out of the car and went inside. I and Diego got to the room where the meeting was being held and I'm the first person here.

Waiting for them to come through the doors, it went from a few minutes to half an hour

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Waiting for them to come through the doors, it went from a few minutes to half an hour. The door opens, "Your late" I said in a cold tone. "I know." He said with a hint of fear in his voice and I rolled my eyes. He and some of his guards sat down "Straight to the point, why does your mafia want to be partners with my mafia?" I said with a cold tone again. " So that it could be a stronger and more powerful mafia together." He said and I started to laugh. "You really think that it would be stronger with your mafia, your mafia is last and mine is first, it is stronger and more powerful without your partnership, and I still haven't forgotten about that little stunt you pulled when I started this mafia" I said, I saw his face went from a smirk to a huge frown. He pulled out his gun and shot at me and missed every bullet that went my way.

Diego got out his gun and I put my hand up, letting him know that he should put his gun down. He hesitated but did it. I pulled my gun out and shot him in his shoulder, which made his guards stand up and point their guns at me. That was no problem, because none of them can shoot with a gun. Meanwhile Victor, who I shot in the shoulder, was groaning in pain while holding his shoulder. I then shot one of his men and he dropped dead onto the floor.

That made his other men fearful of me, I ended up shooting all his men and lastly Victor.


Hi everyone, Chapter 40!

Anyone excited for the new book coming out soon. The introduction is going to be published anytime soon and then it will be Chapter 1 after!

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